Is Sony still the enemy or is it now EA?

Just so you know, theres’s a reason for that this time. The Kingdom of Dalmasca is plagued by a Mediterranean climate, so the sun is always burning. The citizens show more skin because it’s more comfortable for them, it’s not just the women, but the men are also showing more skin.

Don’t think this game will be on the same intelligence level as FF X-2. We’re dealing with a whole new beast in the form of FF XII.

As much as I agree about the lameness that is FFX2 and all, SquareEnix has n’t gone out of their way to sytematically put Sega out of buisness like Sony and now EA has. Now that Sega has sold it’s sports division arm they have no chance of making loads of dosh in the North American market. Sega has just thrown in the towel to EA. Whats gonna happen next EA or Sony buying out Sega!?

Looking at FFXII I definitely have better thougths on it than I did of FFX. It seems the world is more thought out in greater detail. The lead character designs are iffy however, with the protagonist not exactly looking like someone I would want to play as.

This is one Final Fantasy i really want to see how it will turn out more than any other. It also takes place in Ivalice which is a plus for me. (Final Fantasy Tactics Advance anyone?)

Don’t get me wrong though from what i’ve said before, I am no way totaly against the Final Fantasy series or Square Enix. I borrowed my friends PS2 and had a blast playing Star Ocean: Till the End of Time, and I loved Final Fantasy III or VI whichever you want to call it. I just think in the past generation their quality of games has gone down.

The new Dragon Warrior game also looks good, though I really need to look into it further.

maybe i should rename the topic to why FFx2 is sheet… :anjou_angry:

EA has brought Digital Ilussions yesterday, the makers of the “Battlefeild” Series, and are set to pounch on Ubisoft.