Is Sega just dead?

was my answer to what i disliked about jsrf thorough enough? :)[/quote]

Yes. Understood completely :slight_smile: If that was what you were expecting out of the game, then yeah… I can see why.

As for the casual vs. hardcore JSRF fan, had JSRF truly appealed to the casual consumer, it would have sold much, much more. Unfortunately, from the looks of it, neither JGR or JSRF appealed much to the hardcore crowd, either, let alone the casual.

Sega needs to make a sequel to Nights. The original Nights was a huge seller in Japan, so I cannot understand why Sega didn’t make a sequel for the Dreamcast.

Not saying whether or not it is or isn’t going to happen, but does anybody actually realize how few people outside of hardcore Sega fans on the internet actually know what Nights is?

At what period in the Dreamcast’s lifespan did this happen? The only reason I was wondering was because Bernie Stolar (I know you are probably just speculating) was dismissed from SOA about a month before the DC launched in the United States. I guess I always was under the impression that Yuzo did not want to do another SOR after he formed Ancient. Just be happy Sega decided not to purchase the rights to Fighting Force and retitle as a SOR/Burning Knuckle game – I believe I read that was proposed once. I would just be happy with another Dynamite Cop title.

Isn’t the fact that Nights outsold Mario 64 in Japan justification enough to develop a sequel?

You could argue that there simply isn’t a market for a sequel to Nights outside of Japan, but that hasn’t stopped Sega from developing games before.


At what period in the Dreamcast’s lifespan did this happen? The only reason I was wondering was because Bernie Stolar (I know you are probably just speculating) was dismissed from SOA about a month before the DC launched in the United States. I guess I always was under the impression that Yuzo did not want to do another SOR after he formed Ancient. Just be happy Sega decided not to purchase the rights to Fighting Force and retitle as a SOR/Burning Knuckle game – I believe I read that was proposed once. I would just be happy with another Dynamite Cop title.[/quote]

Yuzo Koshiro (best known for his music) came to Sega with his proposal to develop Streets of Rage 4 before Dynamite Cop 2 came out, I believe. Perhaps Sega released Dynamite Cop 2 and Zombie Revenge because those games were already made, and porting them from the arcades was less costly than making a new game from the ground up. However, I doubt anyone could argue that not developing Streets of Rage 4 was not a foolish mistake, especially when Sega was drawing on the success of the Genesis to help market the Dreamcast.

The tragedy is the Dreamcast may have survived the Playstation 2 blitz if Sega had retained the support of developers like Ancient and Camelot.

Agreed – I always had noticed some future release lists always listed ‘unnamed title’ by Ancient for upcoming Dreamcast releases back in the day. I wonder what that could have been. Hell, I would have settled for another Thor/Oasis title from Ancient.