Is Sega just dead?

The games were bad at E3 this year and I was hoping TGS would have something, but there is just nothing coming up that is really interesting to me. What happened?

Pardon me for being rather blunt and uncomplimentary, yet I would hardly subscribe to a diagnosis based upon the purely subjective opinion of one person… and considering how the Tokyo Game Show has yet to transpire, how on Earth can you comment about its demonstrated content? Sega and its development houses are undeterred continuing to devise and publish games at a reassuringly prodigous rate, with a great diversity from the new Shining Force title to the intriguing concept of the Eye-Toy All-Stars game. To all of the soothsayers who have been ‘prophesying’ the demise of Sega since the 32X, I would advise you to go back to your 3DOs and Jaguar 64s, and view companies which have truly failed, and don’t contaminate Sega with your exaggerated and appallingly inaccurate aspersions. Now with its finances restored, Sega has nowhere to go - except UP.

Does Sammy have a controlling interest in Sega? Because if they do, I have a feeling that they might limit Sega to the arcades more and less of the games that don’t sell well, such as the PD series. =(

I feel the same way Lagi, I’d be hard pressed to find a handful of games coming out by Sega that I’m really looking forward to. Lets hope that the few interesting titles will live up to the hype and restore our faith to our beloved developer. Shining Force, Phantasy Star Universe and possibly Shenmue Online (though I won’t get to play it either way since I don’t play MMORPGs) might just be what we need…

Mumei: Didn’t Sammy actually buy out Sega and they’ll now be known as Sammy Sega or something silly like that? Or was that false?

Uncalled for and not the best way to treat a long time & respected member of this community. That was beyond “blunt and uncomplimentary”, behave.

As far as I’m aware the two companies merged, with Sammy’s president essentially ending up in charge of the whole thing. It’s presumably more complicated than that though, and I’m not sure about a name change.

But yeah, most of Sega’s current line-up doesn’t fill me with anticipation either. It could be worse, but the “important” games seem to be a bit thin on the ground at the moment.

Sega will be unveiling the new Shining Force and Shining Tears for the Playstation 2 at the Tokyo Game Show. Anyone who knows anything about Sega will have heard of the Shining series.

Sega seems to be concentrating on bringing more RPGs to the world. Whether or not this will strengthen Sega’s position in the global market (not just Japan) and salvage its tarnished reputation among gamers remains to be seen. Far be it for me to understand Sega’s business strategies. However, I think it’s safe to say that another 3D Sonic game will inevitably arrive sooner or later.

I was almost surprised that a new Sonic game (3D or 2D) wasn’t on the list already, actually. To be honest I’m not sure another Sonic game will be worth getting exited about though, given how non-outstanding the recent ones have been. I’d prefer Sega to prove me wrong, of course.

I am happy they are doing a new Shining Force game, but in terms of turning the company around, I don’t really see it doing that.

I have been a huge fan of Sega since I purchased a Master System over an NES- I just don’t see any big exciting titles coming out of there anymore. What are even the ex-Smilebit guys working on? What is Sonic Team on? What about AM2? Not even anything interesting or quirky (REZ, Space Channel 5). Unless they are saving some really big guns for next E3…

I wouldn’t count on Shining Tears being a proper RPG Geoffrey… Though it could ofcourse be a hack and slash that’s great fun… :slight_smile:

[quote=“Lance Way”]

I was almost surprised that a new Sonic game (3D or 2D) wasn’t on the list already, actually. To be honest I’m not sure another Sonic game will be worth getting exited about though, given how non-outstanding the recent ones have been. I’d prefer Sega to prove me wrong, of course.[/quote]

Truth be told, I’m not that surprised. Sega’s arcade sector makes them more money than the home console side. I’m not sure, but I wouldn’t be surprised to see Sammy have them focus on the arcade side more…

Well Sammy did do statements of that sort in the past so, duh, they do want to focus on arcades since it’s Sammy’s primary business anyway.
Sega officials however had stated that isn’t gonna happen… Perhaps things will change now with the merge since Sammy got the upper hand afaik but, who knows, we shall see. No cancelations of console games so far atleast and that’s good :slight_smile:

All the 3D Sonic games sold out, so I have no doubt we will be seeing the spikey blue hedgehog return for another game in the near future. I can’t see why Sega wouldn’t make another Sonic game: I thought Sega’s goal was to make money now?

The poor-quality conversion of Sonic Adventure and the buggy port of Sonic Adventure 2 for the GameCube outsold the Mario games when they were released. Sonic Heroes failed to take off in Japan, but sold out everywhere else, which makes me wonder why Sega focuses on Japan so much. Why does Japan almost always come first when Sega is an international company? That type of mentality almost killed Sega.

The Virtua Fighter RPG sold poorly in Japan in case anyone was wondering.

I’m not the huge fan of Diablo-clones that everyone else seems to be, but I won’t condemn the game before its finished.

I’m not sure. The sales of the Sonic series hasn’t been nearly as strong recently - Sonic Heroes sold around, what, 750,000 over three consoles? Not that impressive, considering it is a Sonic game.

But that is probably because the 3D Sonic games just don’t compare to the 2D ones. =(

Which Mario games? Have any of the recent Sonic games sold more than 1.5 million copies? Because SMS sold about 3 million. Were you talking about spinoffs or…?


I’m not sure. The sales of the Sonic series hasn’t been nearly as strong recently - Sonic Heroes sold around, what, 750,000 over three consoles? Not that impressive, considering it is a Sonic game.

But that is probably because the 3D Sonic games just don’t compare to the 2D ones. =(

Which Mario games? Have any of the recent Sonic games sold more than 1.5 million copies? Because SMS sold about 3 million. Were you talking about spinoffs or…?[/quote]

Sonic Adv sold over 3 million the DC alone.

And BTW Sonic Heroes is million + seller world wide

[quote=“Geoffrey Duke”]All the 3D Sonic games sold out, so I have no doubt we will be seeing the spikey blue hedgehog return for another game in the near future. I can’t see why Sega wouldn’t make another Sonic game: I thought Sega’s goal was to make money now?

The poor-quality conversion of Sonic Adventure and the buggy port of Sonic Adventure 2 for the GameCube outsold the Mario games when they were released. Sonic Heroes failed to take off in Japan, but sold out everywhere else, which is why I wonder Sega focuses on Japan so much. Why does Japan almost always come first when Sega is an international company? That type of mentality almost killed Sega.

The Virtua Fighter RPG sold poorly in Japan in case anyone was wondering.[/quote]

SEGA isJapanese company at heart . Plus games like Shinobi, Initial D, Let make a Football Team Sukura Wars ports have sold very well on the PS 2 in JP. They are not all flops you know.

Sukura Wars V, and the new Shining Force games should sell really well in JP. I expect SW V to sell well over a million copies in it’s 1st week

It’s simple SEGA is

Plus I should add SEGA are far from dead. This years line up is really good.

We have the ESPN series, Out Run II (what more do you want), HH II, Sega Superstars, Blood Will Tell, O.TO.GI II, Football Manager 2005.

And then next year we have the likes of Sakura Wars V, new PSO, Spike Out, Monkey Ball Deluxe, Shining Force , Shenmue Online.

So it’s not as bad as some people like to make out

Noone said Sega doesn’t make good games anymore, still from your list of games the only one that’s a game of the caliber that you’d wanna buy a console for it is propably just Shining Force IV and ofcourse it just has that potential rather than be that good for sure.

Perhaps Shenmue Online as well but that’s on PC, plus it still only has potential, we can’t know if they will end up as good as we hope.

The rest games can be great for what they are but, uh, sports games, racing game, fun game (monkey ball), hack and slash games… There’s no real substance to them, it’s not something you can’t find elsewhere in other forms and not something you’d buy a console for…
But a spectacular RPG like SFIV will hopefully be? Now that’s really something and you can’t just say “oh well there’s RPGs in other consoles” cos these games have depth and personal preference of it over others WILL make someone buy the console that has it rather than another one.
The other kinds of games which are shallow and just for “fun”, every console has it’s share of that kind of games, they don’t really affect purchase of one, they are time killers until the next really good game appears.

What I meant was the GameCube Sonic Adventure ports were hitting the top of the charts when they were released, and were even outselling Nintendo’s own mascot games. That’s quite a testament to Sonic’s popularity, don’t you think?

[quote=“Team Andromeda”]SEGA isJapanese company at heart . Plus games like Shinobi, Initial D, Let make a Football Team Sukura Wars ports have sold very well on the PS 2 in JP. They are not all flops you know.

Sukura Wars V, and the new Shining Force games should sell really well in JP. I expect SW V to sell well over a million copies in it’s 1st week

It’s simple SEGA is[/quote]

Neglecting the western markets will be the death of Sega…

Also, I want to see Sega make the games the people there want to make - not the games they have to make.