I'm getting skies of arcadia today!

I dont know what this game is but it sounds decent.

You don’t know what what game is?

Mr Driller? Puzzle game by Namco. Drill the blocks and collect the air as you make your way down.

Sega Rally? Um, only the most playable rally game EVER!!

Gehn, the other day I saw a brand new “Ultimate Dreamcast Pack” on eBay which included 3 new, sealed games -MSR, JSR, VF3- a VMU and of course a controller.

You know how much it sold for?


They’re so cheap it’s unbelievable.

What are you waitin’ for!?

Damn, I don’t really have that many games for my DC. I just wish they sold them in other places bar ebay.

Don’t mention Gamestation…if I see one more damned copy of Chu-Chu Rocket in there I will freak out…


Gehn, the other day I saw a brand new “Ultimate Dreamcast Pack” on eBay which included 3 new, sealed games -MSR, JSR, VF3- a VMU and of course a controller.

You know how much it sold for?


They’re so cheap it’s unbelievable.

What are you waitin’ for!?[/quote]

I can’t buy on ebay and you know that.If someone could buy it for me tho… :>

…they had sold it -.-

I’m really pissed off, and the reason is kinda on topic. What are the chances??
Anyway, at work on Saturday (MY DAY OFF!!!) a guy came in and wanted to trade in a Dreamcast but seeing as we don’t trade in DCs anymore we couldn’t do anything so he JUST GAVE IT TO ONE OF THE GUYS AT WORK. HE JUST GGAAVVEE IITT!!!
GAH I’m always in the wrong place at the wrong time!!!

Don’t lose hope of owning a copy one day!

The parralells between Panzer Dragoon Saga and Skies of Arcadia were all too apparent to me. I must make another topic concerning this.

[quote=“Pete”]I’m really pissed off, and the reason is kinda on topic. What are the chances??
Anyway, at work on Saturday (MY DAY OFF!!!) a guy came in and wanted to trade in a Dreamcast but seeing as we don’t trade in DCs anymore we couldn’t do anything so he JUST GAVE IT TO ONE OF THE GUYS AT WORK. HE JUST GGAAVVEE IITT!!!
GAH I’m always in the wrong place at the wrong time!!![/quote]

Was he ashamed to own a Dreamcast or something? Being unpopular always means being infectious as well.

I’ll just get the updated version on Gamecube. I’ve always wanted to own it. And don’t knock on Grandia 2. ^.~ It’s such a pretty game, and the battle system is magnificent. Too bad the hero has such overblown dialogue though. o_O

I recently read that Sega is going to release a PC version of Skies of Arcadia. That’s perhaps the only title that’s worth releasing on PC. They shouldn’t have released Sonic Adventure DX and Crazy Taxi 3, I seriously doubt anybody’s still interested in those games.

Theres no PC audience for Skies of Arcadia either.
It’s just not the kind of RPG PC gamers play.
Just look at the fabulous Anacrhronox made by Ionstorm Dallas(I think).
Great console style RPG with a good storyline, funny characters, very nice for it’s time visuals, fun battle system, neat use of skills outside combat and much more and yet noone bought it… The company that made it closed down…

Grandia 2 was ok. The battle system was innovative, the graphics were beautiful, and the music was awesome… but the game’s underlying story and character development was a disturbing reminder of what mainstream RPGs have become. As an RPG veteran, I wasn’t impressed with Grandia 2. The fact that 16 bit RPGs are less linear should be adequate for the job of describing the game in as few words as possible. Shining Force 2, a 16 bit Strategy/RPG offered the player more freedom; why shouldn’t players be free to roam the game world, even to a limited degree?

I liked Millenia though. “Look, but don’t touch”.

Sega must be desparate for money if managment thinks 3-4 year old games will sell in today’s PC market.

Yes, PC gamers enjoy RPGs infinitely superior to the likes of Final Fantasy 7. However, the best PC RPG developers have either been closed down (like Black Isle Studios) or have sold out by developing dumbed down RPGs for the console market (like BioWare).

The era of great PC RPGs has almost come to an end. Both Baldur’s Gate 3 and Fallout 3 were cancelled 6 months into their development. Interplay spent its money developing the lame Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel for the Xbox. Interplay even cut the game in half so that they can release the latter half as a sequel.

[quote=“Geoffrey Duke”]

Yes, PC gamers enjoy RPGs infinitely superior to the likes of Final Fantasy 7.[/quote]

Huh? What did I say about FF7? I was talking about Skies of Arcadia and gave the example of Anachronox so uh… what was that for? If you want to make a point make it without resorting to that kind of means and reply with your answer centered around something I didn’t even mention… You have said you try and bash on FF7 on every chance you get but this particular thing is kind of crossing the line imo…

And ofcourse they’d enjoy them if they bought them, same as you love PD and liked SOA and others, they just don’t buy them… name one good console style RPG that sold well on the PC…

And dont rush to call PC RPGs superior like that, u mostly give good arguments and you are well respected here (Even by myself) but you can act downright blind at times with being so passionate about your beliefs and not be willing to accept that your opinion might not be a fact... similar to your Gamecube hate which reminds me of the times of old with Playstation owners bashing the Sega Saturn... I really don't like the X-box you know. Really really don't. But when did you see me bash on it like that? I see it's good points. Why can't you see good points in things that offer you different experiences? Why can't you see the GC can be fun for people even if it's not fun for you? Why can't you see PC style RPGs are not meant to offer the same kind of experience as console style RPGs and yet still compare them and bash on the latter just because you prefer the way the first are made...

PS: I know you didn’t say anything about the GC here but it was in another very recent reply of yours in another thread so I figured I’ll post about it all here rather than make two replies…

I’m sure it’s a great console despite the fact it is home to a majority percentage of younger gamers (fact), which has a direct impact on the type of games available for it. Sorry, but I don’t see what the GameCube has to offer in terms of what I want.

No, I see all too clearly. I have enjoyed playing many great console RPGs no thanks to Sega for its refusal to translate many of them. I put my faith in the PC market because I’m less likely to be screwed. My point was PC RPGs have generally differed from their console counterparts in a number of ways not every cusual gamer is prepared to tolerate. However, this is becoming a thing of the past as even many PC gamers would now rather hack and slash their way through an RPG than engage in dialgoue and strategy. Games like Neverwinter Nights have an equal mixture of both but who knows what the future holds? The combat in Baldur’s Gate 1&2 required more thought than NWN.

Skies of Arcadia is too old and too console-centric, as you say, to appeal to average PC RPG fans. The game is awesome but uses an outdated battle system that PC fans will not appreciate. There’s next to no control over your choice of dialogue or path through the game nevermind the lack of good and evil routes. PC RPGs generally have more depth in these areas, but console RPGs focus on the main story to a much greater degree. What would an adult PC RPG fan – the type of person that constitutes most PC gamers – prefer?

The way I like to think about the differentiation between console and PC RPGs (though with games like KOTOR and Morrowind being on console and selling very well, and Fable coming out sometime in the future,this line is quickly blurring), is that console RPGs (cRPGs) concentrate more on telling a specific story that the developers want to tell, whereas PCRPGs concentrate on story based around a system.

Let me explain.

Games can be broken up into two different basic components: story and system. You can have both, but most games are a delicate balance of one vs. the other. Take a game like Diablo 2. The primary focus is on “systems.” Building characters, acquiring weapons, etc. Games such as EQ are entirely about systems.

The Baldur’s Gate series, Fallout series, etc. have a wonderful blend of both. They tell very adequate stories, blended with complex and wonderful systems for gamers to sink their teeth into.

However, cRPGs are decidedly centered around story, moreso than system. Need proof? When Square developed FF7, they wanted to move away from “essential systems,” which is why they simplified the inventory system. But, they knew that hardcore gamers still liked customization and whatnot, so they created the (sorta) optional Materia system. Non-hardcore players could get by just learning the basics, but hardcore fans really had something they could tweak and master. Every FF since then has had a very similar balance of story vs. system.

I think the difference, originally, between cRPGs and PCRPGs really came about due to the interface. PCs just have more buttons, therefore allowing for more complex interaction. Consoles are becoming extremely sophisticated nowadays, as are UIs, so this is becoming more and more of a non-issue.

I’d have to say that there were times when cRPGs were superior, and there were times when PCRPGs were superior. But right now? I’d say it’s a toss up. With games like KOTOR out on Xbox, who can argue that cRPGs can compete with PCRPGs? The problem is that I find most traditional cRPGs to be complete hacks nowadays. As a genre, they have all but completely stagnated. Developers need to realize that the old ways just aren’t cutting it, and start paying attention to Bioware.

The changing face of gaming has directly influenced what shape RPGs now take, not to mention more and more publishers (such as Interplay) cannot resist the temptation to develop RPGs for the console market where the real money lies. Consequently, the quality and sub-genre of RPGs has taken a turn for the worse. I’m not saying Dark Alliance 2 is a bad game (it’s a great example of the Action/RPG sub-genre and ironically enough, developed by similar PC RPG developers to the guys working on Fallout 3 before Interplay fired them all shortly before Christmas), but if this is the type of game top publishers/developers plan on developing for the rest of eternity simply because they sell so well, I don’t see a future for the type of RPGs I’ve grown to love.

Games like Fallout for the PC will earn acclaim far and wide, but they won’t earn the huge revenue mindless hack and slash orientated RPGs would for the console market. The end result is big companies not developing them. I think Fallout 1&2 sold 400 000 copies each over a 4 year period. Now compare that to Dark Alliance which sold over a million copies in the first year alone, and voila, we can say goodbye to the Fallout universe.

Well I agree with all the things both of u said and I don’t think there’s anything to add to it all.

Im just glad u got back to doing a proper conversation rather than senseless bashing like u’ve done lately Geof, that was what annoyed me really and I thought I’d let you know.

My point was never to get u to like GC or whatever, it was merely to get you to not bash it senselessly like u did in another thread. There’s a lot of things I don’t like but I try to not let my personal preferences to shadow the good points of things especially when it’s about advicing people to do or not do a buy and other such things… Just bashing what I don’t like wouldn’t make much of an advice to someone else that is a different person than me… That was the whole point of the and not to prove some point u made wrong…

Anyway, glad your good old self is back… and sorry if I offended you…
I’ll say it again though, I’m not trying to change your opinions on things, I was just very surpised to see you bashing something like that when I’m so used to you providing good arguments and such… I’m never going to mention it again as well, feel free to continue doing whatever you want, this is a public forum anyway and you are even a mod, I just thought I’d let you know what I thought about it as it really annoyed me to see it, especially coming from you…