Im a little confused can someone help with the storyline

ok this is whats got me … im not sure
what dragons are used in all the games

the dragon that Orta rides thats not LAGI right?
the blue dragon from Panzer Dragoon
eventually become Ortas?

and then the dragon used by
Edge in Saga is what eventually
turns into the one Orta rides to?

the one Dragon used by the guy from Panzer Dragoon 2
(cant remember the guys name)
eventually becomes

and is that the one used by Azel in Saga??

Thats the only thing i dont really get !

The main dragon throughout the entire series thus far is the same dragon. Lagi has a tendency to morph into new dragon forms a lot.

By the end of Panzer Dragoon Zwei, Lagi, the coolia who evolved into a dragon, morphed into the armoured blue dragon we ride in Panzer Dragoon. This was meant to reinforce the fact Panzer Dragoon Zwei was a prequel to the first Panzer Dragoon game.

The dragon you see in all four games is always the same. In chronological order PD Zwei is the first game. A program known as the Heresy Dragon downloaded itself into a coolia (Lagi) and turned it into the dragon we see in all the games. Lagi eventually becomes the blue dragon seen in PD 1 and later Saga. As far as I know Azel’s dragon (Atolm) was awakened together with Azel. There’s no direct connection to Lagi as far as I know. The dragon Orta rides is still Lagi, but with a slight difference. He was split from the Heresy Dragon at the end of Saga since it had accomplished its objective. In PD Orta Lagi acts from his own free will.

WOW !!

i though there was 2 dragons… that does explain alot!!

you see i was always confused because of this picture that was
throughing me off

its the evolution of Lagi as i see now… but i thought it was the
evolution of 2 different dragons!!

… but then it makes me wonder … who was the rider of Lagi
as blue dragon… was it the dude from PDZ?

[quote=“sharky”]… but then it makes me wonder … who was the rider of Lagi
as blue dragon… was it the dude from PDZ?[/quote]

We don’t know the identity of the armoured blue dragon’s first rider in Panzer Dragoon, but the second was a hunter named Kyle.

You’d be surprised by the amount of questions that still remain unanswered.

yes i no about them…

ive finished
panzer dragoon
panzer dragoon zwei
panzer dragoon orta

but iv only played lil of
panzer dragoon saga

and ive read loads of things
like the time line
and the books
ect ect

but i never new about the dragons being all lagi
thats the main thing that confused me!

but that razes other questions … like

what was going on when the guy seen the dragon lieing on
the ground … i thought it was dead , but odviously not

and the blue dragons rider thing…

aww its al so confusing!

Lagi hibernated during the time spanning between PD Zwei and Panzer Dragoon. Lundi thought he was dead and thought Lagi would return to the world in a new body. Some confusion tends to arise here as you might imagine.

We really know nothing about the armoured blue dragon’s first rider. He is a mystery with perhaps no story to tell, other than a vague background story. Team Andromeda probably never intended to develop his character beyond a short biography. I wish we knew more.

I never understood that part. I wonder if Lundi knew about the Heresy Dragon. In the letter he left for Edge he wrote this: “The dragon you ride has inherited the soul of my old friend”.
Was he referring to the Heresy Dragon when he speaks about Lagi’s soul? Perhaps another dragon should have “inherited” the Heresy Dragon. The baby dragon in Saga makes things even more complicated.

… so … LAGI is definitly dead now … he dies at the end of ORTA

and then OTRA gets a new baby dragon…

and it will all start over!?

Who knows…


I never understood that part. I wonder if Lundi knew about the Heresy Dragon. In the letter he left for Edge he wrote this: “The dragon you ride has inherited the soul of my old friend”.
Was he referring to the Heresy Dragon when he speaks about Lagi’s soul? Perhaps another dragon should have “inherited” the Heresy Dragon. The baby dragon in Saga makes things even more complicated.[/quote]

Perhaps Lundi didn’t know Lagi and the Heresy dragon were separate entities. We know he was aware of the Heresy dragon’s presence because his journal is where the name comes from. His vision was probably imparted by the Heresy dragon, and not Lagi, meaning he may have adopted the same pattern of thinking we once did: that the Heresy dragon was Lagi, or his personality, or soul.

Just hold on right there mister.Lagi and the Heresy Dragon ARE the same.

Oh God, not this again. Lagi = the khourieat. Heresy = the bit that transformed Lagi into a dragon.

Oh really.Man you guys are genious.

Man I know all that.But I still call heresy Lagi.We always did anyways.

It was the first incarnation of the heresy.Plus Lundi wasn’t jsut naming a body.He was friends with something else than just a body.He was friend with a soul.That sould was named Lagi.That soul was also the heresy.

Actually, the soul of Lagi is probably more Coolia than Heresy. Remember Lagi’s affection towards humans was very prominant? Trained animal genes. The Heresy seemed to be moreo f a guidance program.