Ikaruga, Xbox Live Arcade bound!


Now all Microsoft needs to do is port Radiant Silvergun while they’re at it, and they’ll officially be gaming heroes. I’m not even kidding.

Pretty cool, XBL Arcade needs a lot more like this to become meaningful again.

Hopefully this will include an option to rotate the screen vertically both ways. My monitor has an option to tilt the screen on its side, but unfortunately it only turns one way and the game turns the other. Playing Ikaruga upside down isn’t all that fun.

Great news though. Multiplayer over LIVE would be fun, but it might be too much hassle to implement.

Yes!Ikaruga was on my to-play-list.This will make things simpler and cheaper.
When I get a 360 anyway…

Great news! That made my day so far.

Now Geometry Wars will have some competition for hottest downloads. :smiley:

Edit: Woot! Sombody mentioned Guardian Heroes and somebody else mentioned Bangai-O. Hint hint, Treasure!

Bangoi-O would be an awesome addition to have, I always wanted to pick up a copy for the DC but never got around to it for some reason.

IMO, having never played Radiant Silvergun, Bangai-O is Treasure’s best shooter. While Ikaruga was fantastic, Bangai-O was just insane. The more danger you put yourself in, the stronger you became. Great mechanic.

So who here has purchased Xbox Live Arcade games since the system was released? The only game that I have actually bought from the Xbox Marketplace is Lummies Live.

Most of the games seem to offer nothing new, besides scoreboards and achievements. I was hoping that some of the old classics like Pacman would have been updated to fit the 360’s resolution, instead of appearing in a “box”. Having a high definition background does not make it a high definition game, no matter what MS says. Most of the games just seem overpriced for what they are.


It’s funny that you mention Lumines Live, as I think that is the game that seems over priced and stripped down in terms of features.

I personally enjoy Geometry Wars, and Marble Blast Ultra is very neat; but other than that, like you said, most of it is over priced games with no enhancements. Seriously, Street Fighter II just plain got worse, UMK 3 was alright, but again probably not worth $10.

But when you think about it, $5 for having Pac-Man in your room anytime you want with the achievements and all, isn’t that much. I think the price range is just right for these retro re-releases. We’ll have to see what they do with Castlevania.

The only Xbox Live game I bought was Doom, because it offered 4 player split screen co op, which was great fun and something I’d not experienced before. Other than that, I find a lot of the other games to be good, but not for the prices they’re expecting for them. It’ll be interesting to see what they do with truely commercial games like SotN and Ikaruga.

[quote=“Solo Wing Dragon”]So who here has purchased Xbox Live Arcade games since the system was released? The only game that I have actually bought from the Xbox Marketplace is Lummies Live.

Most of the games seem to offer nothing new, besides scoreboards and achievements. I was hoping that some of the old classics like Pacman would have been updated to fit the 360’s resolution, instead of appearing in a “box”. Having a high definition background does not make it a high definition game, no matter what MS says. Most of the games just seem overpriced for what they are.


My thought is you are spot on . LIVE Arcade is a nice idea just badly used by MS and they must to be to blame for most of the mess and the rubbish line up so for.

After over a year I think I have 1 Live Arcade (SF II) I didn’t even bother with Lummies Live as that was a ripp off and not a patch onthe PSP version . For a service that?s call LIVE Arcade its got very few Arcade games on it , and what Arcade its got on there have been done to death , there?s more Arcade classics on my Mobile .
IF I was MS I’ll be on SEGA, TATIO trying to get some of thier Arcade games on the service and porting some of thier old PC games nd using RARE to put up thier ZX games and ports of Blast Corps, PD 64 ect

I don’t know, it seems like Pac-Man, Galaga, Street Fighter II, Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3, Smash TV, Gauntlet are all legitimate arcade classics.

I think there is a good variety, even if it took a while to get there. I don’t exactly see how bringing Blast Corps or Perfect Dark would alleviate the lack of Arcade titles in your eyes Team Andromeda; but with games like Cloning Clyde and Outpost Kaloki X out there, as well as the recently announced Wing Commander Arena, you can’t say they aren’t trying to expand the selection.

[quote=“Solo Wing Dragon”]So who here has purchased Xbox Live Arcade games since the system was released? The only game that I have actually bought from the Xbox Marketplace is Lummies Live.

Most of the games seem to offer nothing new, besides scoreboards and achievements. I was hoping that some of the old classics like Pacman would have been updated to fit the 360’s resolution, instead of appearing in a “box”. Having a high definition background does not make it a high definition game, no matter what MS says. Most of the games just seem overpriced for what they are.


I’ve purchased Geometry Wars, SF2, and Uno… and got Texas Hold 'em for free (during the 2 week free download thing). Been tempted to pick up games like Small Arms and whatnot, but I hardly have time to play the games I already own, let alone pick up smaller games like that.

Overall, I’ve been very satisfied with what I’ve purchased. Sure, SF2’s online is iffy at best (what can you expect - it’s a fighting game that wasn’t built for online play) and the X360’s d-pad is bad, but the game is solid overall. Geometry Wars is fantastic. Great game. Uno is, well, Uno. Great for a late night Friday game with friends after you’ve put down a few beers :slight_smile: Texas Hold 'em… I haven’t played since the first week or so, but it’s not too bad.

As for the HD thing, they’re simply upgrades made to each game to make them display better on HDTVs. They aren’t meant to be entirely new graphics for classic games. In fact, I prefer it that way. You still retain the classic look and feel of the game, but without the ugliness of seeing 8/16 bit graphics in HD. If you’ve got a Wii and an X360, try loading up the same game and switching back and forth between them. The bleeding of colors, the pixelation, etc becomes extremely obvious on the Wii, and if done right on the X360, becomes extremely smoothed out. Depends on who made the game, of course. And seriously - how much do you expect to pay for classic games? In the US at least, they’re $5 on Live ($10~$15 for the new games). Seems reasonable to me.

You guys are probably right about Lumines… I haven’t played the PSP version in great depth, so I can’t compare them. But, as I don’t currently own a PSP, I figured the 360 version was the next best thing, and have been satisfied with what I’ve bought. Considering the price of the PSP version, it didn’t seem like too bad of a deal.

I should probably clarify my earlier statement… most of the games that were designed with the 360 in mind (full screen, non pixelated visuals, etc) are quite possibly worth it, but the vast majority of the older games like Pacman, Frogger, Contra, etc seem overpriced for what they are.

With Pacman for example, sure US$5 isn’t a lot of money to spend on a game, but it is for a game that was released over 25 years ago. On the PC, games like Pacman are free, not always officially, but through the numerous Flash and freeware versions that people have released. I’ve downloaded more sophisticated games on my phone for less than what MS is charging for Pacman :confused:

I just think they could have done more with these games. Frogger, for example, looks awful displayed inside a small strip in the middle of a widescreen display. If they upgraded the visuals and the layout to at least make them look “cleaner” on high definition screens, that would be a significant improvement. I remember Peter Moore announcing at an E3 that a bunch of classic games were coming to Xbox Live and that they would all be updated in “high definition” - it’s just too bad those words were mainly hype.

[quote=“Felix”]I don’t know, it seems like Pac-Man, Galaga, Street Fighter II, Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3, Smash TV, Gauntlet are all legitimate arcade classics.

I think there is a good variety, even if it took a while to get there. I don’t exactly see how bringing Blast Corps or Perfect Dark would alleviate the lack of Arcade titles in your eyes Team Andromeda; but with games like Cloning Clyde and Outpost Kaloki X out there, as well as the recently announced Wing Commander Arena, you can’t say they aren’t trying to expand the selection.[/quote]

Oh come on PacMan, Smash TV and the likes of Street Fighter have been done to death on other formats, thought the LIVE play is wecom in MK III and SF II

I want Arcade games that haven?t been ported or one that weren’t ported perfectly to a home console (due to lack of power) there?s a million SEGA arcade games for a start , never mind the like TATIO stuff .
A 13 online version of Power Drift would be great , has would a 4 live player of Hatrtick Heroes over Live Arcade ect . I love to see the likes of Super Hang , Turbo Out Run, ThunderBlade , Line Of Fire, Golden Axe Revenge and so on brought to LIVE Arcade , thats not to go on about dreams (and thats all they ever will be ) of LIVE version of SEGA Rally or Daytona USA (with a new name) or say ports of SEGA DC Online titles like AFO, VO II brought to Arcade (now it appears that MS have at last drooped the pathetic 50 meg limit ).

I like to see the likes of PD64 brought to LIVE Arcade for MS to set a example MS is setting on a big back catalogue of games .MS releases schedule for LIVE Arcade is rubbish months on end go with nothing new happing , I?m sure MS it?s self doesn?t know what happing half the time, they should be at least one LIVE arcade games coming out every week .

When SEGA launched they classic download service back in 2000/1 in had hundreds of Mega Drive /MS titles ready to go, even NCL VC is making LIVE Arcade look poor (not that?s hard )

Alien Front Online! I’ll second that, it’s a simplistic game, but no more simplistic than Mechassault, and way more fun IMO. I’ve wanted Sega to update it for Live ever since I first played - and was so disappointed by - Mechassault. You’re right, XBL-Arcade would be a perfect fit for a simple port at least.

I’ve always wanted to play Ikaruga, and it appears my chance has arrived! The reasons for me to purchase a 360 just keep increasing! :stuck_out_tongue: