If PDS was rereleased, what achievements should it have?

Sometimes the easy/obvious achievements are used as a tutorial of sorts, so that the player knows he’s doing the right thing.

I don’t think I know about this. How is it done?

I don’t recall this either, although it doesn’t sound as exciting as the above. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m sure I’ve wasted at least a couple hours trying to figure out if there’s any way to NOT let the twister break that target in Georgius, and still find it later.

It’s some little joke / red herring being played by a designer there methinks. Grrrr

Source Code Uncovered! - a PDS port will now commence on other gaming systems!


I was thinking about something similar not long ago. As people stated above, most achievements would be mandatory and simple, like progressing through the game. Two interesting ones - one of which was mentioned above - would imho be:

Solo Wing - Evolve Lagi to his ultimate form

Alpha Male - Beat Atolm in any battle without taking damage

PS. Interesting thread btw. :wink:

Broken Wall - This is a secret achievement. Unlock it to see description.

Nice one :anjou_happy: This thread might actually be interesting enough to create an article about for Panzer Dragoon Revival.

A thought - maybe you could add a section to Panzer Dragoon Revival where people could post achievement ideas for the four Panzer games?

Lundi?s Revenge- Destroy Shelcoof once and for all.

Villagers flesh- Kill a Golia Tracker.

I’m not good at thinking of snappy names but:

Answer all of Radgam’s quiz questions correctly
Lead the Tobitamas back to their nest
Complete the game entirely as one dragon type
Complete the game taking less than X total damage
Deal over X damage with a single attack
Use all the full gauge type Berserks in a single battle
Complete the game with no gun attachments/no optional dragon forms
Go through the entire game with 0 Dyne
Break every fan in the excavation site
Find all the D-Units (obviously)
Find the Southpark reference on the bar table