I got Panzer Dragoon Orta back

t’s just as good as I remember it. :anjou_happy: If it’s okay, I might provide some information about some creatures such as the Morli family and the Yarva Family. But only if the moderators will allow it.

For the encyclopaedia? If so, sure, such information would be welcomed.

[quote=“Solo Wing”]

For the encyclopaedia? If so, sure, such information would be welcomed.[/quote]

Thank you. :slight_smile: The Morli family is probably one of my favorite mutated creatures in the entire game, tied with the Els-Enora.

There are plenty of creature entries that have yet to be written, so take your pick. :anjou_happy: I am part way through writing entries for Lazara, Nanyds, and The Dark Dragon. The other creatures have yet to have any information written for them (besides the published entries of course).

Okay, so after I finish my research on the Morli family, how do I give it to you?

Email - support@thewilloftheancients.com - or PM is fine.

Okay. :slight_smile: You know, it might take a while, because my brothers have been playing it. My middle brother doesn’t seem too interested, but my youngest is just as hooked as I am.

Indeed, as far as gameplay goes, Orta is the best IMO. Actually, it has my favourite soundtrack, visuals, and story too. Yeah, I’m biased.