I doth not speak Japanese

Ok! I need fillers! Now!

  1. What is Mel-Kava and whys it flying towards the tower?

  2. What did Craymen say to Edge when they met in Zoah?

  3. Why does Azel ditch Edge again at the end of Disc 2? Seems like they were getting along…

  4. Why the hell do I have so many import games when I can’t even read Japanese?

  1. What is Mel-Kava and whys it flying towards the tower?

Mel-kava (God’s chariot/cradle) is an enormous flying ruin (somewhat comparable to Shelcoof) that produces the thick fog that makes it impossible for Edge and the Dragon to fly to the Tower.

  1. What did Craymen say to Edge when they met in Zoah?

Hmm…I think it was something about Azel or the Empire. There should be cinema scripts lying around this site.

  1. Why does Azel ditch Edge again at the end of Disc 2? Seems like they were getting along…

Azel retured to Craymen.

  1. Mel Kava creates the dense blanket of fog that makes passage to the tower via air all but impossible. Lagi and Edge destroy Mel Kava to get rid of that fog.

  2. Something along the lines of “This is war. To obtain the key element, Azel, I had to be ruthless.”

  3. Azel is still loyal to Craymen, and she leaves Edge warning him that should he continue his attack against Craymen she will not hesitate to kill him.

  4. You’re silly

Ah…thank you all… :slight_smile:

goes to continue Disc 3

comes back

That was soooo cool!

Glad you enjoyed it.

Now get Solo wing…

if you haven’t that is…

got it alreddee…Hey wait, what happened to Paet? Never saw him after beginning of Disc 4…did I miss an FMV?

Talk to him and you’ll discover he plans to continue his life with the Seekers.

So thats what he said…

It’s a shame English copies are going for such insane prices.

The fact that PDS is so hard to come by adds to the games atmosphere, in my opinion.

Yeah, well, oh well, worse to not play it at all than to play it and not understand a thing thats going on…

The fact that its so hard to come by adds to my sense of well being because I own a copy! MUWHAHAHAHAHA AAAAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! Man i have to lay off the caffene.

I know how you feel. I played through most of Shining Force 3 (the complete SFC) without a clue as to what was going on (this was before the English scripts were written). I actually think that’s worse than not playing the games at all because it was so damn frustrating not understanding a word of the plot.

I have yet to play Shining Force on the saturn. I would really like to, even considering the idea getting the Japanese version…
I have played some Japanese games, (Fire emblem, Bahumet lagoon.) Nice games but I would really like to know what the heck is going on.

This is one of the reasons I tend to stick to western made PC RPGs. After the Saturn’s demise I even abandoned the console market for a time.