I asked Microsoft to repair my 360... and got sent porn?

Okay, so no doubt at least one Xbox 360 owner here has experienced the “Red Ring of Death”. Having experienced it multiple times, I thought it would be a good idea to take advantage of Microsoft’s offer to repair my 360 for free. It’s a very good service actually - they’ll be sending me packaging to send it away and everything.

However, after making a repair order via Xbox.com, I was suprised to receive the following email. Don’t worry, the email itself is completely safe for work.


Note, this is a legitimate email from Microsoft. The only parts that I changed were my contact details which I don’t wish to show.

I wonder if this was a legitimate mistake. Amusing that such a large company could overlook this, nonetheless.

LMAO, My guess is either… you’ve bee phished by an MS immitator website (unlikley since I realy doubt anyone would want details of your 360 warranty?)
OR the xxx is supposed to be avariable… only their mail merge application hasn’t replaced it with anything. :anjou_angry:

Wow… that’s amusing… so uh… someone should alert them to this, right? Right?

man i would watch out with that shady email thing at the bottom call or email microsoft direct and valadate it befor you go ahead.

Comander starlin