How to submit a theory?

i have one here concerning the deal with the stylistic change in lagi between PDS and PDO. but i’m not sure what you would like me to do at this point.

any guidelines for the use of visual aides? i was planning to have a few, but i assume i would need to crop them… so what is a good size for the site’s format?

I think 280 pixels-wide images are the norm for theories and such; check out things like Geoff’s Sky Rider theory for some sample layout. I’m not sure if things have changed at all with the new site design though, so hopefully Solo or Geoff will set you strait.

[quote=“Megatherium”]i have one here concerning the deal with the stylistic change in lagi between PDS and PDO. but i’m not sure what you would like me to do at this point.

any guidelines for the use of visual aides? i was planning to have a few, but i assume i would need to crop them… so what is a good size for the site’s format?[/quote]

Send me or Chris (Solo Wing Dragon) your theory and any images you plan to use (in their original size), and we’ll convert everything and upload it the next time we update the site.

hmmm ok…

some of the screenshots i have were pretty big but i only wanted to grab a fraction of it to show what i was talking about. should i give a little comment with each image outlining what i would like you to get into the shot?

also, i wanted to use two pieces of fanart that i found on this japanese site:

and i would have asked them directly if i could use their work, but i don’t think that would yield anything. would it be enough to link to their site in the theory as a sort of credits? or should i not use those images at all?

it’s so hard to find a screenshot of lightwing and skydart :frowning:

If you’re after screenshots from the Saturn games I should be able to help you out, as I have tons of them on my hard drive already and I can grab pretty much anything else quite easily. Just PM me with any requests and I’ll see what I can do.

sent :slight_smile:

had you guys seen that windmills site before? they have some good stuff.

[quote=“Megatherium”]hmmm ok…

some of the screenshots i have were pretty big but i only wanted to grab a fraction of it to show what i was talking about. should i give a little comment with each image outlining what i would like you to get into the shot?

also, i wanted to use two pieces of fanart that i found on this japanese site:

and i would have asked them directly if i could use their work, but i don’t think that would yield anything. would it be enough to link to their site in the theory as a sort of credits? or should i not use those images at all?

it’s so hard to find a screenshot of lightwing and skydart :([/quote]

I’m not sure we should use images from other sites without their permission.

Resizing/altering images shouldn’t be a problem if you clarify what you want (and where you want the images positioned).

A question : do you guys (Geoffrey and Christopher) want something for the Theory and Mysteries sections in specific?A certain thematic?

Nothing specific springs to mind. I’m currently writing a summary of the ancients and I’m overhauling another section, but if you want to fill in any gaps or write a theory of your own, TWOTA will be happy to host it.

There are plenty of mysteries to cover though (Chris should be writing another mystery right now about something all older fans of the series should be wondering about, and if he isn’t then I’ll nag him until he does).

I was thinking of writing a (concise) theory covering all the major events that had took place in the PD world to date - briefly running through things like why the Tower network was built, what its purpose was, who the Ancients were, possibilities of what the Heresy Program was, what it did, how this tied in with the events of the games, and so on.

It just strikes me that we’ve narrowed most of these things down so that each of them has only a couple of major theories now, and that no page or article currently contains “a brief history of the Panzer Dragoon universe”. It could then be dotted with links to all of the theories that look at specific things in greater depth. Would that be a good idea?

Sounds like a great idea to me.

[quote=“Geoffrey Duke”]

Sounds like a great idea to me.[/quote]

OK; I’m finishing off some other content for the site at the moment, but I’ll start putting this together in the near future.

By the way, if anyone ever needs any specific screenshots from the Saturn games to illustrate any articles or pages (for TWotA or your own PD websites) I’d be happy to help out. With the amount of shots (and GiriGiri save positions) I’ve accumulated it’s not much trouble, and - as the PD series is really visual - screenshots definitely add a lot to such things.


and lance, those screens were great. i had a hard time choosing which 2 to use :frowning: