How old is Enkak?

I just wondered. he seems to be pretty young, but could be anything from 5 to 12… It’s anime after all.

I always pictured him to be about eight or nine.

I give 5 or 6 myself.

I think he looks about 12. and before you say this is not enkak, it is him, trust me. there is a b/w artwork of this very image in my nicest gameguidebook that says it’s him.

Nicest != Bestest :wink:

Nah I believe ya,I know there are some pics at Lagi’s that correspond to misc NPC’s in PDS.

He looks a bit of a wheeler dealer in that pic.

I guess he would be in his 50’s in Orta’s time if he survived.

This one seems to knwo a little bit too much…
We the ones who are behind all PD games don’t liek that…

Hmmmm… looks like collective minds can’t spell. :stuck_out_tongue:


Hey my mother language is Portuguese.Portugu?s ouviste?!

goes berserk


I think he looks about 12. and before you say this is not enkak, it is him, trust me. there is a b/w artwork of this very image in my nicest gameguidebook that says it’s him.[/quote]

For some reason I thought that was Bezer…

I’m not doubting you here, but which guidebook does it say that he’s Enkak in?

I’m pretty sure that it’s Enkak too - the distinctive hat’s the givaway. It’s only really possible to make the characters’ faces (and heads) out distinctly when playing the game on an emulator, though.

Our Japanese counterparts at Panzer Dragoon Academy have dedicated quite a nice page to linking up the pieces of concept artwork with the in-game characters, and it’s worth a look:

They agree about the Enkak thing too (check out the pics below). Oh, and if you run the above page through an auto-translator you get bonus (and mildly unusual) Engrish translations of the names :slight_smile:

