Hitler banned from XBOX Live

I thought it was pretty funny, since I don’t speak German.


Shouldn’t this be in the Liberal District?

Anyway, yeah that was cool :smiley:

Poor Hitler will have to buy a PS3 now…

Hey, thanks! Can I be in charge for a bit?

No, it is related to gaming, and thus I put it here. And you’re goddamn right it’s cool.

That was great. X)

Oh the horror of purchasing a PS3!

O_o No need for sarcasm, Neil.

[quote=“Atolm”]That was great. X)

Oh the horror of purchasing a PS3![/quote]

Where the hell have you been all this time?

Sorry, that’s the steroid overdose talking, not me.

I should ask you. :wink: You suddenly leaving DA without a trace left me wondering.

As for me, eh been busy in the real world and left all of my forum haunts one day, but I always lurk from time to time.

I should ask you. :wink: You suddenly leaving DA without a trace left me wondering.

As for me, eh been busy in the real world and left all of my forum haunts one day, but I always lurk from time to time.[/quote]

Surprised you cared enough to notice that I left. Small world. :anjou_happy:

To answer your question, mental instability. What’s your story?

Let’s hook up.


I should ask you. :wink: You suddenly leaving DA without a trace left me wondering.

As for me, eh been busy in the real world and left all of my forum haunts one day, but I always lurk from time to time.[/quote]

Surprised you cared enough to notice that I left. Small world. :anjou_happy:

To answer your question, mental instability. What’s your story?

Let’s hook up.[/quote]

The drama at my old place got pretty bad, none of which I will repeat here. Had to leave, thankfully my BF (still with him too!) was there, and well, after some jobs and looking, we ended up here. He has a good job and I am waiting for the phases for mine to be over with.

I have a new screen name since, for whatever reason my old one no longer works.

Black Atolm is the new one. =)

Black Atolm is the new one. =)[/quote]

I shall use this screen name to my advantage in my endeavors to have internetcourse (that is, intercourse over the net) with you. Good day to you madame.


I think I played against him in Uno once …

… or was it Catan.

That was confusing. XD I understand a good deal of german so it was all conflicting messages. Pretty amusing though. o: Although I’d imagine Hitler more as a GTA gamer.