High Profile IP in development at SEGA

In an brief article posted on IGN, it is disclosed that a number of new job listing have opened at Secret Level for a high profile Sega IP that is in development for both the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3.

The game is apparently supposed to be character based, but the genre is yet undisclosed. I bet we’ll here a lot more about this at E3. Sega has a lot of past franchises and games that they could choose to continue, will be interesting to see which one they ended up choosing.


Give me either Streets of Rage4,Nights 2 or Burning Rangers 2!

Let’s not get our hopes up, because we all know it isn’t going to be something we want right now.

This reminds me of a time when I said we all knew Shenmue 3 was coming out in some form or another.You said we didn’t know that.

Now I tell you; you don’t know that.

I hope it’s something cool like nights 2 but given what is more likely to be (something I’m not interested in), I’m not going to let myself get too excited at this point.

[quote=“Gehpnaet”]This reminds me of a time when I said we all knew Shenmue 3 was coming out in some form or another.You said we didn’t know that.

Now I tell you; you don’t know that.[/quote]

Want to put a wager on this, Nash?

Hey wishful thinking is wishful thinking.But I’m positive at least Shenmue 3will come out.

A lot of people are speculating that its either SOR,GOLDEN AXE or SHINOBI due to the description. But since the original article said 80s we can rule out
SOR as that wasn’t made until the early 90s.

With the New movie coming out, and the western love of all things blood odds are it will be Shinobi .
It can’t be Streets Of Rage as that never came out till 1991, and a Golde Axe update would be pointless

What ever game it is, I don’t like it the idea of Secret Level handling dvelopment.
SEGA Japan should be doing it In-House , not handing it out.
The likes of Secret Level should be updating Mega Drive games that SEGA Japan never made in House.

A new Shinobi would be nice. The PS2 iterations were good for what they were, but felt rushed. In fact, both Shinobi and Nightshade could have been developed for the Dreamcast, easily (albeit with a slightly scaled down polygon count and deeper more intricate textures). Ninja Gaiden walked all over them, graphically.

They were rushed , from what Shinobi had 9 months of development time, and I think it was the same for Nightshade (which looked even worse) and not the biggest budget, and boy does it show . Though to be fair Shinobi wasn’t that bad.
Ninja Gaiden had a massive budget and over 4 and half years development time. In fact it started out as NA@MI game

The PS2 Shinobi is held in high regard in some gaming circles; people go through the entire game with Perfect Tates and so forth.