Hidden text on the Panzer Dragoon Orta game disc

I just refer to the huge black/golden four-limbed dragon as the Heresy dragon, and the mutant coolia as Lagi, though they were technically “different parts of the same whole”.

I see Solo’s point; I’ve been trying to avoid the term “Heresy Dragon” myself when dealing with the black-dragon-symbol-program-entity, because “Heresy Dragon” appears to be a title that Lundi applied to the physical dragon that contained this entity. At any rate, it’s inconclusive whether he was describing the physical dragon or the “Heresy Program” (or including both) in that reference.

Although “Heresy Program” isn’t an official name, it likely works a bit better because everyone’s quite sure what it’s referring to. And isn’t that the measure of an arbitrary name’s success?

You know, we had a debate about this at the old forums when we didn’t know Lagi and the black/gold Heresy dragon were separate entities.

Anything that avoids confusion is a good thing.

Avoiding confusion… Yes. Good thing.

I remember trying to figure out how the dragon in Zwei and Orta were possibly the same thing. (aka, Lagi…)

[quote=“Orta”]Avoiding confusion… Yes. Good thing.

I remember trying to figure out how the dragon in Zwei and Orta were possibly the same thing. (aka, Lagi…)[/quote]

AWW mannn I had the Same problem at one point trust me -_-*