Hidden text on the Panzer Dragoon Orta game disc

Has anyone ever brought this up before? Forgive me if this is old news…

I’ve just been having a look through the in-game text files from the Panzer Dragoon Orta game disc, and - like the PDS game discs before it - there’s quite a lot of text and dialogue in there that can’t actually be seen in the finished game. I’ve not found anything as interesting as PDS’s hidden “Drone Report” book, but I thought I’d start a thread to share my findings.

Here’s the Encyclopedia descriptions for a couple of enemies that don’t seem to have made it into the finished game. The first one - the Bubuk - would apparently have appeared in Episode 2 (Altered Genos). The second enemy - the Nididar - would have been a third variation on the Didar enemy seen in Episode 5 (Eternal Glacies):


Mutated monsters

< Bubuk >
Colonies of insect-like creatures
that feed on bacteria that clings to
the exoskeletons of bio-engineered
It is believed that the Bubuks
actually inadvertently serve as
transports for the bacteria, after
it is ingested.
This bacteria is then spread to vast
areas as the Bubuks travel from
place to place.

Scientists also believe that
the bacteria carried by these
creatures is partially responsible
for the increased speed of evolution
amongst bio-engineered creatures.
Currently, much effort is being spent
on learning about the bacteria,
and its effects on the genes of
bio-engineered creatures.


Mutated monsters

< Nididar >
A close relative of the Didar,
this creature lacks the layer of fur
that the Didar has.
At first, scientists believed that
these creatures were female Didar,
but after thorough research, it was
theorized that the evolution of
the two creatures diverged relatively
early on in their existence, as their
internal organ structures are vastly

There’s also a humerously butchered translation of the “Anu Orta Veniya” lyrics in there, lurking in the file with the FMV subtitles:

**When the day breaks, let’s go sowing
Before the sun buns the ground

When the rain stopes, let’s go sowing
Before poisoned air burns my throat

Weave a cloth of flax and take care of cattle
live in a little house behind trellis of a grape vine

Even though you are not here to live with me
We know we can sing the song together in spirit

When the day breaks, let’s go sowing
Before the wind freeze a ground out

When the rain stopes, let’s go sowing
Before tears freeze my eyes down**

The next bit of lost text is from that scene in Episode 7 where you find the golden Heresy Program in a Memory Cell. Apparently, there’s meant to be an extra two lines after the Heresy Program’s message, where Orta reflects on what she’s just heard about the dragon’s past. Solo pointed this one out to me, so credit goes to him:

(( Your mission is completed. Yet, you still wish to remain? ))
(( Your body is fragile and mortal now. ))
(( Your life will more than likely end out there if you continue. ))
(( Alright, I understand. ))
(( Farewell, my other half… ))
(( I must rest… ))
(( Watch over our friends for me… ))

(Was that your memories?)
(Did you come from… here?)**

It does seem that Smilebit wanted to show the player that this was just a recorded memory, and not the actual Heresy Program (as has been argued in the past).

It’s not the most interesting stuff in the world I know, but I thought I’d share it for the novelty value. There’s loads of odd bits and pieces in there, so if I find anything particularly interesting I’ll post that too (if this is indeed news to people…)

I’ve never seen those Encyclopedia descriptions, thanks for sharing them. The part about the Bubuks is interesting, since the bacteria they spread are probably the same that affect the “Carrier” creatures. I had forgotten about the missing text in the memory cells. It does clearly confirms that the conversation with the Heresy program was a recording. But now that I think of it, wasn’t there another missing piece of dialog of Abadd in the memory cells?

[half-sarcastic]She wasn’t old enough to ride a dragon[/half-sarcastic]

If Lagi was aware of Orta from the moment of her creation, would he consciously allow her to remain in the custody of the Seekers?

[quote=“Geoffrey Duke”]

If Lagi was aware of Orta from the moment of her creation, would he consciously allow her to remain in the custody of the Seekers?[/quote]

It does seem that way, since we see that he was watching her in the intro (we look at the prison from a dragon eye view).


If Lagi was aware of Orta from the moment of her creation, would he consciously allow her to remain in the custody of the Seekers?
It does seem that way, since we see that he was watching her in the intro (we look at the prison from a dragon eye view).[/quote]

There are a few things I find puzzling though: if Lagi did live outside of Sestren since the end of Panzer Dragoon Saga, then why were there no sightings of him? Another thing: what happened to Azel? Surely Lagi would’ve been watching over her too if he was living in the real world since the end of PD Saga.

I think that perhaps Lagi only recently left Sestren to save Orta, and the reason he chose to leave despite the Heresy dragon’s warnings was because he felt obligated to save Orta.

Nothing is certain.

I’m pretty sure those wings we hear in the ending FMV (when Gash gives up waiting) are Lagi’s.He’ heading to another crest.

And he has been in a crest till the beginning of PDO.

I said it was half sarcastic cause well : this is a gameplay reason.It woulnd’t feel right if she was a baby.

Example : How could Orta ride Lagi?

I think Lagi reacted beacuse of the specific situation : Orta was a minute from beieng killed.

That’s why I think he didn’t save her earlier…

I don’t understand how the Heresy Program could have not been deactivated/destroyed at the end of PDS; it would be a huge translation error if it wasn’t, and the story really wouldn’t make much sense otherwise. And why do you suspect that Smilebit might have rewritten the ending? They’ve been very observant of continuity in all other respects…

[quote=“Geoffrey Duke”]The part of the conversation where the Heresy dragon asks Lagi to “watch
over our friends for me” is too coincidental not to have some bearing on Orta, especially since Lagi was watching Orta. The creators tied the Heresy dragon’s words to Lagi’s actions for a reason.

I can’t understand why Lagi didn’t intervene on Orta’s behalf sooner.[/quote]

Lagi could certainly have been unaware of Orta’s existance until very recently. That image of the young Orta in the opening is presented very like one of Sestren’s memory orbs from PDS. It could be highlighting that scene as simply something that happened in the past - if that was Lagi watching her, it would be strange that he didn’t intervene sooner. I get the impression that it was just a narrative device; the alternative would complicate matters even further.

Remember also that the Heresy Program had never met Orta, so she couldn’t literally be one of the “friends” that it was referring to. I’d suggest that by “friends” it just meant for the dragon to watch over any of the sympathetic characters from PDS, or maybe the human race in general. That would make sense, as we honestly don’t know what it was doing in the meantime. “Watch over” does have an impllication of observing from a distance, too. If the dragon way lying low all these years, perhaps it never saw reason to make its presence known?

The same question could be posed for why he wasn’t sighted between any of the other games. Depending on your interpretation of events, there’s plenty of possible explanations: he could have been hibernating, he could have been in a different part of the world, etc.

I take it you mean the bit in bold below:

“I escaped from the human empire
and searched for the Drone…”

“It is too late for my ancient masters.
Resuscitation is 100% impossible.”

"Primary objective aborted.
I must fulfill my mission… I must find a way… "

Yeah, it has to refer to Abadd, really. Like most lost text in the game, it doesn’t seem to be a very “polished” translation though, due to it probably not being revised…

Edit: I deleted my previous post.

Hmm… on seconds thoughts the Heresy dragon was probably destroyed, but the time gap between Panzer Dragoon Saga and Panzer Dragoon Orta in which Lagi was roaming the world freely all by himself raises the question of why lagi didn’t save Orta sooner. Maybe she was safe in the care of the Seekers up to a point.

However, If Lagi wasn’t watching Orta, then how did he know exactly when to save her? The only way Lagi could’ve saved her from the attacking dragonmares quickly enough is if he was watching her. There’s no doubt about it: Lagi was keeping an eye on Orta. This ties in with what the Heresy dragon asked Lagi to do. In the very least, Lagi left Sestren to watch over his friends, but why if they were all safe? Why, if not Orta, did Lagi feel so compelled to leave Sestren, even if that meant risking his own life (assuming the Heresy dragon was only resting)?

“I must rest” is far more ambiguous than “I must be destroyed”. I agree that “friends” could be a broad reference encompassing any number of allies, old and new alike. However, it is too coincidental that the Heresy dragon asked Lagi to watch over these friends for it for him to go to such great lengths to protect Orta.

When Lord Craymen stated that when the Heresy dragon said it must be destroyed at the end of Panzer Dragoon Saga it actually said it must be deactivated, I took it at face value.

Bah! I’m too tired to think coherently right now.

[quote=“Geoffrey Duke”]
If Lagi wasn’t watching Orta, then how did he know exactly when to save her? The only way Lagi could’ve saved her from the attacking dragonmares quickly enough is if he was watching her. There’s no doubt about it: Lagi was keeping an eye on Orta.[/quote]

Didn’t Evren say in the begining that Lagi must have followed the Dragonmares there?


[quote=“Geoffrey Duke”]
If Lagi wasn’t watching Orta, then how did he know exactly when to save her? The only way Lagi could’ve saved her from the attacking dragonmares quickly enough is if he was watching her. There’s no doubt about it: Lagi was keeping an eye on Orta.[/quote]

Didn’t Evren say in the begining that Lagi must have followed the Dragonmares there?[/quote]

How did Lagi know the dragonmares were going to attack/capture Orta unless he knew she was present in Yelico Valley? He knew she was there and intervened on time. How did he know if he wasn’t watching her all along?

or, he saw a huge imperial fleet, and went to investigate.

I answer that with another question :slight_smile: : How did he knew she was there?


I answer that with another question :slight_smile: : How did he knew she was there?[/quote]

Well I doubt he followed the Imperial armada to Yelico Valley only to stumble on Edge’s daughter by chance. :slight_smile:

Who are we supposed to think was watching her at the beginning?

Yeah, it has to refer to Abadd, really. Like most lost text in the game, it doesn’t seem to be a very “polished” translation though, due to it probably not being revised…[/quote]

Actually, it’s in reference to Orta.

As for the rough translation of Anu Orta Veniya, yeah… that’s the direct Panzerese-English translation with no polish. No idea why it’s in the game code, though o_O

[quote=“Geoffrey Duke”]Well I doubt he followed the Imperial armada to Yelico Valley only to stumble on Edge’s daughter by chance. :slight_smile:

Who are we supposed to think was watching her at the beginning?[/quote]

I think this is indeed Lagi watching over her. I did post a theory once that we may simply be watching the story through one of Sestren’s memory orbs, but that seems unlikely. Lagi may have already been synchronized with Orta like he was synchronized with the other riders. Orta did seem to know the dragonmares were approaching even before the attack began, so Lagi might have been able to read Orta’s thoughts and come to the rescue.

Geoff : He sensed it.He didn’t know she was there.He was awaken from his crest limbo cause one of his riders was in danger.

That thing at the beginning is just one of them memory orbs in Sestren.I mean it IS Sestren who is talking about her…

Sorry, sloppy use of English on my part - I just meant that it was probably a quote linked to Abadd. I sort of assumed it was Abadd saying that he left the Empire in order to find Orta.

EDIT: Unless you mean that it’s meant to be Orta describing how she escaped from the clutches of the Empire and pursued Abadd; that would work. I was just assuming that it was Abadd speaking becasue it’s grouped with his other quotes, and Orta’s voice doesn’t turn up in any of the real/accessible memory cells.

As I said earlier, it’s very possibly just a narrative device:

I think it’s presented in a “memory orb”-like way just to let us know that it happened in the past. Remember that PDO features a lot of omnipotent narration, and the narrator is talking as we see that scene of the young Orta. I’m sure it’s just the omnipotent/impersonal narrator recounting a bit of Orta’s past, and showing us the image of her chained up for effect.