Help! Panzer Dragoon desktop theme

I tried to isntall it but it says that a file is missing, anyone can help?

What operating system are you using?

XP Pro

I just contacted the creator of the theme and he tells me that it was designed for Windows 98. I have no idea if it works on XP, sorry. You’re welcome to try and make an XP version from the files.

I?m a noob with pcs, i would love to have that theme on xp, but have no frikin idea how to do that.

Is it possible that the creator of the theme can make one version for xp?

It’s worth an ask. Contact details.

Anyone found that Zwei staff roll screensaver yet?

I’m uploading what may be the screensavers. Try downloading them in about half an hour (the upload should be complete by then). …

I?ll ask him tomorrow :anjou_happy:

[quote=“Solo Wing Dragon”]

I’m uploading what may be the screensavers. Try downloading them in about half an hour (the upload should be complete by then). …[/quote]

Great upload!!! Already installed on my system.

Just one question, they work with Vista too? Cause my new laptop will come with Vista.

That’s similar to what I remember but I’m not sure if it’s the one Solo.

I seem to remember it running fullscreen with the credits showing @ the bottom and going upward, and the pictures fading in the center of the screen.

These screensavers run in a letterbox in the center of my screen with the text only showing in the same area the images fade into. They still scroll upward, but only within that center area, not from the bottom of my monitor and up to its top. That may be because I’m running in higher resolution now, or because I’m using Windows 7 though.

Also is the only difference the order the images appear in, or do some have different/more images than other versions? I don’t wanna keep all three.

Ops, they don’t work at all in Windows 7. They function if you double click the file and they run as I described above, but if you actually try to set them as a screensaver properly then it just keeps showing an error message saying you need the shockwave player to show that content. I installed it on all my browsers and it still just brings up that message, the screensaver won’t function. Sad :frowning:

Sorry guys, I can’t confirm if any of this stuff works on different versions of Windows. Although it would be nice to get this information if someone wants to test it. I use Snow Leopard now.

Al3x, those are the only screensavers I found on my harddrive. I assume they’re the only ones.
