Harry Potter

Doing a search on this forum, I found that there are no topics regarding Harry Potter or the books in general. I was surprised.

I consider myself a fan of the books, and was wondering if anyone else here has read the current five yet? What do you think of the series in general?

I just thought of this since I only found out a couple days ago that the next book in the series will be called Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. I thought it sounded interesting and was wondering if anyone else was into the series.

I have read all the books to date, and I used to be a fan, but as the time between each book got longer, and I got older, I sort of lost interest in them. Still, it’s a pretty good series, and i’ll probably read the new book when it’s finished.

I don’t call myself a fan, but I have read all the books. Next year I’m doing a course in Children’s Literature, so that gives me a bit of an edge…

Many people call them children’s books, but in interviews the author has said countless times that she wrote the original as an adult fiction novel, and still considers the series in that area. The latter books are becoming darker as well, definitely moving away from the lighthearted feel somepeople associate with the books.

Just like in videogames or movies I’m pretty fed up with these clich? magical worlds.That’s why Harry Potter doesn’t invite me to read.

The original was very much a children’s book. >.> Very, very light reading that was, but an amusing read regardless.