Guardian Dragon statue

Grig Orig… it’d be four feet tall when completed0.0

The guardian dragon is one of the most complex creatures from the entire series. I think that only the Baltor Queen has a more complicated form. Great work, man.

Thank you very much for you comments !

My answers to your questions :

  • Where did I get my artworks for making the GD ?
    => into the famous artbook “Die Welt von Panzer Dragoon Zwei”, which contains a lot of pictures and scheme of all the creatures of PD2. Of course, there’s a double sheet dedicated to the GD. A friend is going to translate for me the text which describes the GD. I’ll let you know the contents.

  • My next Panzer project ?
    => Atolm : I’m not sure I’ll make it once. It’s more complex than the GD, I think. But if I make it, I’ll try to mold it…
    => Imperial Ship : I DO want to make one, but I still don’t know how to make the shell of them !
    => Eye wing : maybe this year…

  • Current projects :
    => a mecha, like the FSS style (FSS = The Five Star Stories, a famous japanese manga with an amazing mecha design !)
    => Radiant Silvegun fighter : already began, it will be mold, and avalaible before the summer for sale. I hope…

That’s all !
See you !

Hey where can I get that artbook?

bows before the Emperor Zzoull

Truely one of the great artistic treasures of our time…though it seems a bit lonely with nothing to gaurd. Hmmm what do you think it could guard?..paces back and forth slowly I’ve got it!!

You should craft a model of Shelcoof then he’ll be happy…well at least until Lagi blows it away ^^

but seriously man excelent work!

not really an artbook, more of a guidebook. It shows up on ebay about once a month.

If anyone’s interested in me, I’m currently putting together a Warhammer army based around dragons. Traditional dragons though. With multiple heads. And stuff.

Aiming to finish it for around August.

Thanks Arcie, you just gave an idea.

Tell me you aren’t going to try and get the 50% discount from your staff buddies…

Wow! Simply amazing. The paint job on that is beautiful! Keep up the most excellent work.

If you do something like the Twin Towers in that manga series then I will be truly impressed.

Very nice work, Zzoull, it looks extremely realistic. Well done.

I’d be very interested in reading any translations that your friend makes from those guidebooks, too.

As a suggestion (as if you don’t have enough already), how about a model of the Tower of Uru on it’s little island? I know there are some good pictures of it on Lagi’s site that you could work from.

Videogameya has them sometimes on eBay. The books are all great, with heaps of artwork, although there is a lot of information in them as well (if you can understand Japanese).

You really shouldn’t tempt us with these unless we can buy them! Arrgh!

wants GD

Wow, thanks again for your comments !

=> Lord Bragma : I’m not interested by making Shellkouff, and some japanese fans have already made one, but I lost the url of the pictures. Maybe anyone could give us it again ?

=> Atolm : I know this model ! I don’t like the green they used to paint it, but it’s impressive indeed : height is around 160 cm for the biggest model…

=> Solo : translations are on going, and I’ll send them directly to you as I’ll receive it from my colleague. I think it wil be better to host them on your site instead of a topic in the forum. In fact, I choose 7 texts which introduce the main chapters of “Die Welt” : World, Empire, Meccania, Frontier, Prehistoric Sites, and the Shellkuuf and Guardian pages.
If my friend doesn’t encounter any difficulties, then I’ll give him the entire chapters !

See ya !!


wow thats the first one i’ve seen, its beautiful scowers forum for more

[quote=“Zzoull”]=> Solo : translations are on going, and I’ll send them directly to you as I’ll receive it from my colleague. I think it wil be better to host them on your site instead of a topic in the forum. In fact, I choose 7 texts which introduce the main chapters of “Die Welt” : World, Empire, Meccania, Frontier, Prehistoric Sites, and the Shellkuuf and Guardian pages.
If my friend doesn’t encounter any difficulties, then I’ll give him the entire chapters ![/quote]

I can’t wait to see them.

WOW, that’s increadable.

[size=200]Nice work!!![/size]

If we’re thinking of the same thing, the images can be found here.

Very nice model of Shellcoof. I would like to see a Mel-kava one too. (but I thinking i’m asking too much :slight_smile: