Greatest RPG characters

list the two charactors, who in your opinion should be named the greatest RPG characters of all time. My two:
Kefka from ff6, because Kefka pwns. It’s a fact of life.
Katt from BoF2, because if it wasn’t for that poisened arrow, she would have kicked Ryu’s arse in the colloseum!
What are yours? :slight_smile:

My two favourite RPG characters would have to be Nigel from Landstalker and The Nameless One from Planescape: Torment.

I’ve always wanted to be a free-spirited treasure hunter or an immortal amnesiac.

Me, Knights of the Old Republic.
Me, Morrowind.

Seriously though:

Craymen, PDS.
Lan Di, Shenmue.

Erm… Edge and Azel… heh…

naw, OMFG CLOUD!! rolls eyes

“Get up! I will allow you to die like a warrior”.

Uh…I would have to go with Paine on FFX-2 and…Albedo on Xenosaga, because he’s evil!!

But my opinions are worthless!


I would say Kefka would be the best villian of all time but hey that is me.

As for characters…

Locke from Final Fantasy 6(Or is it Edgar, Terra, sabin? The characters in ff6 rocked!)
Paet, he was quite a memorable character. =)

-Paet (PDS)

adn (not to mention another PDS character)

-Ren (Shenmue 2)

This is a very difficult question and this was not the best answer.Still…

The term “bad ass” is an understatement.

I say Edge and Paet.

tries to think of another RPG he has actually played ><

Hm… this is tough. draws two characters out of a hat of favorites

Alis Landale of Phantasy Star I


Ghaleon of the Lunar series

I do have to commend Geoff’s taste in selecting Nigel from Landstalker though. :slight_smile: Nigel was great.

Tough decision, I’ll do the same thing Rune Lai did :stuck_out_tongue:

Azel from PDS (Duh!)

Bart from Xenogears! The guy owns a sand-sub-marine ffs :D!
(tbh I didn’t except this guy to be drawn lol, he’s still a very good character though and the game is so good it deserved to be mentioned here anyway:)

[quote=“Al3xand3r”]Tough decision, I’ll do the same thing Rune Lai did :stuck_out_tongue:

Azel from PDS (Duh!)

Bart from Xenogears! The guy owns a sand-sub-marine ffs :D!
(tbh I didn’t except this guy to be drawn lol, he’s still a very good character though and the game is so good it deserved to be mentioned here anyway:)[/quote]

YEAH! Bart was awesome!
But I liked Billy better!

Azel and Sephiroth. Don’t ask how those two go together (they don’t), but they rock. A Drone I named my dog after and a guy whose name I tease my friend with. Yep! :slight_smile: