GOG Galaxy Beta

Has anyone else tried the beta of GOG Galaxy?

GOG Galaxy is looking like a promising alternative to Steam, one which I think gamers who care about the future direction of game distribution need to take seriously. GOG has always been an appealing store thanks to it’s DRM-free policy, but up until now it required that games were installed and patched manually. This is very 2004. Moreover, cloud features were not supported. GOG Galaxy resolves these problems while remaining optional and keeping the games DRM-free - the best of both worlds.

Especially in countries where bandwidth is a finite resource, having an installer that you can back up and reuse, but also add the game to a client for automatic updates, gives GOG a practical advantage (as opposed to just an ideological one). This is unlike the Humble Store DRM-free installers which cannot be used with Steam, even if they give you a Steam key (if you want to use the Steam client with the game, you have to download the game through Steam). Previously I’ve been supporting DRM-free gaming primarily through Humble Store, which usually provides a Steam key and a DRM-free installer. But because GOG Galaxy is creating a whole platform based around DRM-free, that gives me motivation to purchase the games on GOG instead. I’m not going to miss out on a game if it’s Steam only, but perhaps first and foremost I will purchase from GOG now for this reason.

So far, the Galaxy client feels clean and minimalist. That’s a good thing, as Steam tends to feel a bit bloated in places. Unfortunately I was not able to add my existing installed GOG games to GOG Galaxy - I’ll need to redownload the installers for those. However, existing games purchased through GOG downloaded fine using the GOG Galaxy client.

So far we don’t know how many games will support the cloud features of GOG Galaxy. My hope is that most games on GOG that support Steam’s cloud features will also support GOG’s achievements, stats, etc. That’s probably wishful thinking, but if it’s made easy for developers to implement, why not?

GOG still needs more modern games to compete with Steam, Origin, and UPlay. More games are being released all the time (most recently Metro: Last Light Redux). I figure that if more gamers take an interest in GOG, more publishers will too. Supply and demand. If we gamers really are opposed to DRM and care about giving gamers a choice, I think we need to take seriously the arguments for purchasing our games through GOG and using GOG Galaxy to manage our game libraries instead of just Steam, even though it’s more convenient to manage all games through a single client (Steam).

Now where was that game again? In my Steam or GOG library?

At work typing this on my phone, so pardon the short reply. I love GOG. I always buy from them except for the few titles they don’t sell that I really want on Steam and the occasional Humble Bundle. DRM free is the way to go. I back up all my installers to my portable HD just to have available should I be without internet.

Galaxy seems to have nice features and as long as they continue to allow you the choice to use it or not, I will support them! I do need to play with it more. I don’t like that your library is full of large icons. I need to see if you can default to a list view.

Nothing wrong with short posts. :anjou_happy:

I agree that the Galaxy UI could use some work. A compact menu like Steam’s “small mode” would be useful, as would a big picture mode. Apparently GOG will be releasing an API for Galaxy, allowing the community to make their own game management apps that connect to the Galaxy platform. Pretty cool, even if (due to the fast pace that these platforms evolve) there are issues along the way. In the long run it would be nice to see other stores publish an API so that someone could great a single app to manage games from multiple stores.

A point that I overlooked in the original post: Humble Store give a portion of their profits to charity, whereas buying direct from GOG or Steam does not. So that’s a compelling reason to continue to buy DRM-free games from Humble Store (and manage them with Steam) over GOG.

I think for GOG Galaxy to really compete with Steam, they need to open their gates a bit wider and be less of a closed community. For example, allowing other stores to sell games that can be activated on GOG. I see that the GOG version of The Witcher 3 can be purchased on Humble Store, which is a start. And early access games + more indie games would absolutely boost the platform and engage with players more. The trouble is, right now they’re making it hard for certain games to get on the platform, for example, Braid. I understand that GOG may not want to overload their store with indie games (which runs the risk of people thinking of GOG as just an indie and old games site), but if GOG are too controlling of what content is allowed on the store, players may prefer Steam even with DRM.

More people bought The Witcher 3 on GOG than Steam. Wow.


I would guess that is because retail versions were tied to GoG. Anything to help introduce gamers to GoG and DRM gaming is fantastic in my mind.

On topic, Galaxy after more use hasn’t changed much. I really hope they update the view settings soon as the interface is to webified. Steam started as a standalone client first which seams to have benefits for the client interface. GoG definitely has the better website though. The Steam website has always sucked monkey balls, especially when browsing on a phone.

I agree, the GOG website is nice and clean. They care about “little” things like URLs and empty space. Where it lacks is information; they need to add more info about each game to both the app and the website. Does a game have achievements and full controller support? This wouldn’t be hard to add; just have someone go through and test the games, then update a database.

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