Genies, wishes and dragons oh my!

I’m bored. So…if a genie magically popped out of your alarm clock / packed lunch / bedside lamp / whatever and told you could have three wishes, as long as one of them was for a dragon, what sort of dragon would you wish for?

Does the Mech that Vann piloted in Escaflowne count (since it could turn into a dragon)?

points to screen name

Hmmm… I suppose it’d be a tossup between a PD-style rideable dragon and a miniature large-bird sized dragon that could perch on my shoulder and fly around relatively undetected and just be generally badass without being quite so conspicuous.


Why, who other than The Dragon, the C’Tan currently slumbering in the dankest, darkest crypts far beneath the towering atmosphere-punturing industrial spires and the polluted and desecrated soils and flesh-flaying deserts of Mars? Call it strange if you will, but there’s something about having bent to my personal whim a demigod that draws sustenance from devouring stars and his entire personal army of unquestioning, unemotional, self-repairing, relentless machine-men that strikes a chord with me. :anjou_happy:

Damn, you people like abused Genie loopholes, don’t you?

Yeah, I’d wish for the Nightbringer, the Dragon and the Outsider to help me crush my enemies, but that’s besides the point. :slight_smile:

That’s a though question.You’d think I would choose Darky right away but to be true I’d prefer a 4 morphs dragon.

1-Dark Dragon (Type2)
3-Stripe Wing (normal morph)
4-Eye Wing (normal morph)

Now that would be my dream dragon :slight_smile:

But if I had to choose only one I’d pick the Dark Dragon.

Does it count if I wish I could speak Panzerese?

if I had a single wish, I’d wish I could read, write and speak (express) every language that exists on this planet fluently.

I’d wish for a PDZ like baby dragon so that I would have a surprise every so often with it morphing to bigger and better stuff :stuck_out_tongue:

As for the other two wishes:
A) - lots of money
B) - I’d keep it for a time of need… with lots of money I could pretty much buy anything else I would wish for from a genie so…

You know, I don’t think that the genie ever said Aladdin wasn’t allowed was to wish for him to create more genies!

If anyone has read or heard of the book Eragon I would want a dragon like the one depicted within those pages. The other two wishes would be, a.) another good PD RPG and b.) Nissan 350Z

[quote=“Solo Wing Dragon”]
You know, I don’t think that the genie ever said Aladdin wasn’t allowed was to wish for him to create more genies![/quote]

Correct. And in the Disney film, if you recall, the Genie turned Jafar into one, thus imprisoning him inside his own lamp.

The four rules for the Disney genie:

  1. No wishing for more wishes
  2. You can’t wish for someone to be killed
  3. You can’t wish for someone to fall in love with you
  4. You can’t wish for someone to be brought back from the dead (well, you can, but the Genie doesn’t like doing it).

But one can wonder if the genie you would bump into has those rules as well. Otherwise, I’d just wish for my very own Shenron from Dragonball. =D I could have myself a yearly wish that way.

And then at a later point in time I’d wish for the dragon from PDS. XD Morphing’s fun.

[quote=“Pedro The Hutt”]But one can wonder if the genie you would bump into has those rules as well. Otherwise, I’d just wish for my very own Shenron from Dragonball. =D I could have myself a yearly wish that way.

That is, if you could find all the balls, plus pay for the amazing amount of travel you’d have to do. Or I guess your first wish to be to fly.