Gamespot have posted a list of games that will be available at and shortly after launch for the Wii Virtual Console. Currently the list seems quite unimpressive (most of those Megadrive games, for example, have been available in compilation packs recently).
I think this would be a really good chance for Sega and Nintendo to re-release some rare games for a reasonable price. I understand that the Saturn is quite hard to emulate, but nevertheless I’d really like to see some Saturn and Dreamcast games in the future. Even some rare Megadrive or 32X games (such as Chaotix) would be great to play on a console again.
What dream games does everyone want to see on the Wii Virtual Console (or downloadable from Xbox Live Marketplace for that matter…)?
I’d quite like to see games like Radiant Silvergun and Chi no Rondo on the download service - that way maybe other people can enjoy them too, and if I mention I like them I won’t immediately be tarred with the elitist snob/weirdy collector brush.
Just how would you get a Saturn and Dreamcast games on the Virtual Console? Those things take up hundreds of megabytes. That’d be a bit of a bother for people without broadband. (And even for people with it could take a while)
I didn’t realise that the Wii had a modem add on for it (does it?). The requirement for Xbox Live is a broadband connection. I just assumed it was the same for WiiConnect24.
Although that’s a good point about the size of files. With the Xbox 360, some demos can be over a gig, but the Wii doesn’t have that kind of storage space built into it.
I’d like to see some old Square SNES strategy games like Bahamut Lagoon and Front Mission. Those games are always good for a trip down memory lane
Oooh… and AeroBiz! It was a simulator that allowed you to build your own airline company and try to take over the market. Sounds boring, but it was actually pretty deep and good fun.
edit: Also, while demos are several hundred megs on X360, anything on Live Arcade has to be under 50MB (or was it 40?).
I’d like to get Shining Force CD as well, would MEGA CD games be too large for download, like with all the FMVs and Audio intact (I assume there was no compression back then)?
I doubt we’ll be seeing Saturn titles. Ninetendo would probably insist onm next-to-perfect emulation. I doubt that SEGA or Nintendo would put in the effort for the Saturn. Perhaps we might get lucky, no harm in hoping eh?
And thats ports of the likes of Power Drift (with 12 player LIVE play) , Line Of Fire (love that game), Super Hang -On , Thunder Blade, Turbo Out Run , Golden Axe III .
Well in fact most of SEGA Sprite Scaler coin ups . Its still really amazes me , the way SEGA Treats and uses it unbeatable Arcade back catalogue . SEGA could do a classic pack to end all classic packs if it put its mind to it.
PROtip: Don’t pay anything for PhantasyStarIII–that game was not even developed by the PS team. Probably because PS2 was a masterpiece and could not be topped. It still hasn’t…remaining the best RPG Sega ever made, until PDS.
The reason PS3 was horrible wasn’t because of the Generation structure itself–it was because of software capacity limitations. The game cartridges of the day did not have the capacity to do the Generation structure justice; the developers were much too ambitious and well ahead of their time. It is curious that the Generation dealy hasn’t ever been done since in an RPG–perhaps because of how bad this game bombed. I think that it could be done well with current ‘generation’ storage (which is practically infinite) to create an unbelievably huge RPG with generations that last more than an hour or two. For example, DW7 was a 200+ hour game (I myself got over 300) and the longest RPG of all time. Imagine the generation system incorporated into such a lengthy game? I think it would be fascinating to see how this structure would play out in a, say, 500+ hour RPG. I know I would buy it.
Oh, and I’m with Kimimi on what games I want on the VC. PDS shall not be emulated. So let it be written…