Games that you're looking forward to in 2015

I will definitely be checking out Ori as well! Forgot about that one!

I am also looking forward to Bloodborne! Really loved Demon/Dark Souls so this should be a treat!

While on the subject of sword fighting games, is anyone looking forward to Kingdom Come: Deliverance? It is an open world RPG with realistic combat and a medieval setting with no fantasy elements. From their Kickstarter page:

We’re mixing the freedom and mechanics of Skyrim, the setting of Mount and Blade, the storytelling styles of The Witcher and Red Dead Redemption, and the tough combat dynamics of Dark Souls into a single, gorgeous package.

I only heard of this game yesterday, but I shall be keeping an eye on it.

And just found this out today:

Titan Souls:

Official site:

Has anyone tried Ori yet?

Another game that looks promising is Firewatch. IGN recorded a video showing the first 17 minutes of the game. I was quite impressed by how natural the dialogue felt, along with the game’s colour scheme.

I have Ori on my Steam watchlist. The videos look interesting. Anyone tried it yet?

I’ve been playing it on and off. It is truly a beautiful game! The 2d environments just ebb and flow into each other.

It’s quite difficult and I heard there are some game breaking glitches at the moment.

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