Games from TA/SB members

Can you guys name some other games apart from the PD series, that members from Team Andromeda and/or Smilebit have worked on ?

Gun Valkyrie.

Other Smilebit games:
House of the Dead 2
Typing of the Dead
House of the Dead 3
Jet Set/Grind Radio
Jet Set Radio Future

I can’t think of any more off the top of my head.

Come to think of it, I can’t think of a single non-panzer game made by TA…

That would be because there are none… 0_0

I’m not just talkin about the teams (smilebit and team andormeda’s games) but about games in which this or that member worked on.

For example: does anyone know a game where Yoshitaka Azuma has participated(music development) ?

[quote=“GehnTheBerserker”]I’m not just talkin about the teams (smilebit and team andormeda’s games) but about games in which this or that member worked on.

For example: does anyone know a game where Yoshitaka Azuma has participated(music development) ?[/quote]

I searched, aside from the PD1 OST the only other things I could find on him were an OST for a game called Virus, and (much more interestingly) the Panzer Dragoon OVA OST

I must have overlooked this in the credits :smiley:

The OVA has a soundtrcak?!Really?!Cool Neil tahnx for the info man.

And I’m gonna search for the Virus soundtrack as well.

By the way, some Ex-TA people worked on Skies of Arcadia and also on Rez IIRC. Not sure about Rez.

[quote=“GehnTheBerserker”]The OVA has a soundtrcak?!Really?!Cool Neil tahnx for the info man.

And I’m gonna search for the Virus soundtrack as well.[/quote]

Yes, there is a page somewhere where you can buy it… I can’t understand a word of the japanese characters on the page though, so I can’t tell you how much it goes for. I can, however, give you a tracklist:

01 - The Last Fight of Panzer (7:14)
02 - Crises (4:27)
03 - Battle More Battle (5:03)
04 - Memories of Kyle (4:15)
05 - Gentle Fly (5:49)
06 - Flying at The Sea (3:47)
07 - Dragoon Fly (3:51)
08 - Running Enemy (3:51)
09 - Tears of The Panzer Dragoon (5:51)
10 - Sora No Kiseki (3:51)