Fruitless or fruitful?

From the 1UP interview with Yukio Futatsugi:

My understanding was that Azel created Orta from Edge’s DNA, rather than Orta being the outcome of them meeting up. Azel says “at the end of my fruitless searches, you [Orta] are my only answer”. This implies that her mission to find Edge was unsuccessful, but she managed to find his body or a record of his DNA stored in Sestren.

Do you think Yukio Futatsugi simply misunderstood what happened to Edge according to PDO, or could their be a deeper meaning here?

I think it’s more a language problem. futatsugi-san wasn’t too pleased with the way the new team “revived” old PDS characters from what he told me once. I think he’s making an ironic remark here how they “miraculously” changed the story he orignally envisioned.

Hmm, that’s one way of looking at it I suppose…

Although, his further comments imply that he was okay with Orta as a fan fiction continuation of Panzer Dragoon Saga. But considering that Orta is regarded as an official continuation of the series, I can see how this could potentially be a painful issue.

Orta would have aggravated me as well if it had given the impression Edge survived, and was found by Azel, and they got busy and “miraculously” had a daughter…

I never got that impression, and so it works very well. As such, I will not look for a deeper meaning in Yukio Futatsugi’s apparent take on it. According to the English script, if Azel’s search was “fruitless” - in spite of the manifest fruit resulting from that search - then it means she didn’t find what she was actually looking for. Perhaps that means not only that she failed to find Edge, but she failed to find out for certain how he was gone?

I’m still inclined to think Futatsugi-san may have maintained a certain distance from PDO, emotionally and therefore perhaps in his understanding of some details. But if I’m wrong, and say, the Japanese script is less plain about the implication Azel never found Edge… then I know which version of the canon I’ll choose to follow, right?

[quote=“The Ancient”]Orta would have aggravated me as well if it had given the impression Edge survived, and was found by Azel, and they got busy and “miraculously” had a daughter…

I never got that impression, and so it works very well. As such, I will not look for a deeper meaning in Yukio Futatsugi’s apparent take on it?[/quote]

I never got that Impression either .

I think the trouble is , maybe most of the team felt the game series end was with SAGA, and so then however makes a sequel to that, was always going to upset some (fans , Team members alike) .
Loved the RE games, but the stories in the like of RE 5, 4 , 3 don’t make much sense in the series as a whole , but how cares when the game are fun to pay . I thought Orta was incredible myself , and the team that worked on it , did the series and them self’s proud.

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