Forsaken Fortress

This game looks interesting. A survival-based RPG where your goal is to collect enough parts to build a spaceship while surviving in a post-apocalyptic world. Combines gameplay elements from a number of genres. … n-fortress

Too bad it doesn’t look like they will reach their Kickstarter goal.

Interesting fact I read not too long ago: 98% of Kickstarter projects that reach 60% of their funding target end up reaching 100%. So this game actually has quite a good chance of reaching its goal. The game looks interesting, I like how the simulation genre is making a comeback on Kickstarter.

How about we make this a thread where we can discuss other Kickstarter projects as well, Solo?

Good idea.

Forsaken Fortress has reached their goal. I decided to back the project, so I’ll see how it turns out once the project is completed next year.

There’s some new footage of the base building mechanics and a character exploring the open world (on foot and in a helicopter). Looks promising. … sts/446241

Why does the game look so damn ugly? Why can’t they take a page out of Gunvalkyrie’s book?

I guess they’re going for a more realistic look than Gunvalkyrie.

Yeah, I know, but does every game like this have to look like a toilet that’s been abandoned for 50 years?