For anyone who's played the PS2 Panzer Dragoon

I’m currently sorting out the site’s “game info” page for the Sega Ages Panzer Dragoon, which is sorely in need of an update: the game has been out for over a year now, but the page still only contains preview information. I need to do a short description of the game, but the trouble is, I haven’t played it. I’ve had a copy since release, but no PS2 (yet).

I’ll only really be stating the differences between this and the original version, so, for anyone who’s played this game, could you tell me if this list is complete?

  • Higher resolution graphics.
  • Improved 3D models for the dragon and some enemies.
  • A “Pandora’s Box” menu of unlockable features and extras, similar to Zwei and Orta.

Anything I’m missing? (Does this version give you the ability to save what episode you’re at in the main game?)

i played it…

but my english is poor…

  • Higher resolution graphics.
    (480i maybe :anjou_embarassed: )

  • Improved 3D models for the dragon and some enemies.
    (much more beautiful and smooth than SS ver. and XB ver.)

(supported to use DUAK SHOCK)

a directors comment of futatsugi-san and two other guys (forgot heir names unfortunately) audio track

Is there a way to start at other levels? Or to save which level you got to?

I just loaded up my copy and made a few notes for you, Lance. It’s been a while since I’ve played it, and I don’t think I tried it for very long when I first got it.

When you load up the game, you’re given the option of two modes after pressing Start on the title screen. Arrange Mode and Sega Saturn Mode. Sega Saturn Mode is almost identical to the Saturn version - it uses the same dragon and enemy models, and the option menus are laid out in the same way as far as I remember.

Arrange Mode includes the additional Pandora’s Box option to the title screen. Here’s the list of the options that Pandora’s Box includes:

Episode - Choose your episode here. Episodes become playable as you get up to them. By the looks of it, I only got up to Episode 5 last time I played it. Does that answer your question, cactuar?

Level - This is where you can choose your difficulty level. There are six settings:

Easy (US)
Normal (US)
Hard (US)

Presumably the Easy, Normal, and Hard options on their own are based on the Japanese version of the game, and the others on the US version.

Life - you can choose from “Normal” and “Zero”.

Instrument - On or Off.

Illustrations - Various art. Appears to all be on Lagi’s site. Looks like more probably becomes unlockable later on.

Films - Appears to just be FMVs and cut scenes that have reached in the game.

Special - More “films” such as a demo of Episode 1 and of the end credits.

The game itself is much the same besides some of the models being updated. There’s also the option to change between “Up/Down” and “Normal” controls when the game is paused, so that you don’t have to go back to the title screen to do so, which is handy.

Thanks for the info, everyone. There’s quite a bit I didn’t know here.

Can anyone remember if the Xbox version (the one on the Orta disc) used that system’s vibration feature? (My Xbox isn’t set up…)

That’s impressive, especially seeing as he no longer works for Sega. Before the game was released, I do remember some claim (no idea where from) that he was going to be involved in the project in some way, so I suppose this is what that was.

On a related note, the game uses ADX for its audio (a pretty well-known format), so it’d likely be possible to extract that track. I’ll have a look at it.

[quote=“Solo Wing Dragon”]Level - This is where you can choose your difficulty level. There are six settings:

Easy (US)
Normal (US)
Hard (US)[/quote]

I’m impressed that anyone at Sega even remembered about the changes in the US version. Nice that they included both.

I suspect there’ll be some “new” old art in there too, as this page from the game’s official site shows some sketches I haven’t seen before:

[quote=“Lance Way”]

I suspect there’ll be some “new” old art in there too, as this page from the game’s official site shows some sketches I haven’t seen before:[/quote]

Interesting, I haven’t seen those sketches in the game, so they’re possibly an unlockable.

Are you talking these? They are dated “2006”, but yeah they are new to me.

these might be old- I’ve never seen them before

No I noticed the dates on those wallpapers, it was the latter images I had in mind; they’re new to me too.

[quote=“lagi_webmaster”]Are you talking these? They are dated “2006”, but yeah they are new to me.

yoshida-san made this one, he showed me last year. i didn’t know it was made for the Ages PD version.

While we’re on the subject of ex-Team Andromeda members having something to do with the Sega Ages game, I just noticed that they interviewed Tomohiro Kondo for Sega Voice at the time, too:

Does that interview imply he was in charge of the project? (It says “director” at the top, and he seems to be talking about the new stuff added to the game.) If that’s the case, I wasn’t aware of it.

Didn’t knew about these.Damn, I really need to buy this game as a PD fan.

Great stuff.Makes you dream…so much unexplored potential…

I’m still replaying PDS (japanese, see the PDS in 50hz discussion) and damn, it sooo easy… I totally forgot all the boss techniques but i still manage to get a good grade in most of them…

my gf was kinda cuteyesterday, when I was playing underground uru. she said “please don’t get pissed, but i like retro games better because only the edges of the characters are pixelated but not their inside. but 3d games are totally pixelated!”

I must admit that it is a shame that the saturn didn’t have good filtering,
but i wonder if the game had the same charme if the textures were higher res. I was reading an article about the “uncanny valley”, and i must admit that games will probably go a long way until they have something that can be called facial expression. until then, it’s probably a good idea not to go for a too hyperrealistic style, a cell shaded look might be better for a game like PD.

I would have really… really… really… liked to see them bump the frame rate up for Arrange mode.

15fps Sucks… and there is no technical excuse for it on a PS2.

As for Facial expressions, the expressions on Street Fighter 4 look pretty good, although exaggerated somewhat.