For anyone who never recieved the instruction manual with their copy
of PDS, you can rest easy. I have uploaded the complete PDS instruction manual for your viewing pleasure. You could possibly even create your own. Well hope this helps anyone who needed it.
The European one is massive, and almost entirely made redundant by the in-game tutorials, which in themselves are made redundant by their sheer useless at times.
Example: The tutorial claims that attacking an enemy from the side does weak damage, which is nonsense.
I always thought the European one was massive since it had it translated into a couple languages? Correct me if i’m being stupid here. :anjou_embarassed:
As far as I can remember it’s more like three to five languages, but on the other hand it did have fairly small print (sort of like the old European Mega Drive manuals); unfortunately I also seem to remember that the European PDS manual just used the English text from the US manual. The Japanese manual actually looks pretty nice, as it’s printed in colour with diagrams and a bit of artwork here and there… but of course, it’s not really of much use to us non-Japanese speaking fans (what with 95% of the text being in Japanese).
I just wish the English PDS manuals could have been printed in color. Its a pity we have to view the artwork found in the manuals, in black and white. Are the European manuals in color?
Unfortunately no; the PAL manual actually has less / smaller pieces of artwork than the US manual, too. I’m fairly sure that all the artwork that ended up in the manuals can be found on Lagi’s site though, in larger and full-coloured forms.
I didn’t understand what “beating them to the punch” was until i played through it near the end of my second time (like… 3 years) and even then i think it was because of someone mentioning it on the forums.
Now I know what it is… it seems kind of cheap and easy. I prefer bashing the button like winter heat hoping i’d atack first
The only time you really need to do the “beating to punch” thing is against Atolm, when he’ll just teleport behind you and smack you one if you don’t.
I dunno, I remember finding it useful in several fights. It’s handy for any fight where you have to rely on quick use of your gun, 'cos bashing the button tends to lead to Edge zapping away at whatever target he first locks on to (invariably your enemy’s pubic hair, or Brick Wall Organ).
No, you’re right. It’s the same with them all - you think you’re getting a nice, large, informative manual, but it’s actually just the translations!
And yeah, it is in black and white.
I actually find it quite useful a lot of the time, although it may not be absolutely necessary in the majority of those cases.
On a similar note to Scott’s late discovery of that tactic, it took me a while to realise that you can just use Holy Sphere on Lathum and expose his weak point instantly - instead of wasting loads of shots by using the gun! :anjou_embarassed:
Ah, but then it savages you with its “scalding breath” move - the best tactic I’ve found is to use your lasers to destroy large groups of the lumps on its back quickly, as this’ll usually uncover the weak spot quite fast while leaving you at least one relatively safe zone to camp in while you finish the job.
I seem to remember trying that once, seeing 120 damage done (as per the norm), but the mounds remained intact. I know I did Chain Laser once and wiped out the mounds…
Hi ! I think just revive this old topic! I am newbee in this forum and I try to download this but unfortunately not exists any more… I am proud to have my own copy of pds pal version but sadly missing couple of the manual pages. Is there any scanned pal pds manual available nowdays??
Indeed it’s the ntsc-u version. If anyone has the pal, I would appreciate it . Specifically the pages that I search for are: front, second, last and rear because they were torn apart and lost from the previous owner. I am searching the PAL manual . Thanks!