Finally Got Panzer Dragoon Saga

So upfront traded a part of my retro game collection to finally get Panzer Dragoon saga(owning a saturn since i was 5, never got it). I ended up parting with my Neo Geo AES, which i never played. He gave me some other saturn stuff with it, The keyboard, mouse. And some games i didnt have like Resident evil, Romance of the 3 kingdoms, Street Fighter 2, darius.

The ONLY downside is on disk number 1, he wrote his name in sharpie, is their any way to safely remove sharpie from the outside of the disk?

Enjoy. :anjou_happy:

Lucky! :smiley: I’d have to get an emulator to play that.

People seem to suggest usual methods just being careful with the amount of pressure you apply, so as to not remove the print.

Why would you ever write your name on a disc haha.

Wouldn’t mind getting a copy myself… despite the fact I no longer have my Saturn (it pretty much didn’t work any more anyway)… and my old copy of Zwei was lost in moving years ago.
I couldn’t find any working ISOs online last time I looked though. =/
I’m not so fussed about it being official any more… I have to admit.

If you can’t get rid of the name maybe you can get a PDS demo disc on the cheap instead, it’s the whole first disc (I’m not sure if it writes demo/free on it though).

nice but why would anyone write on the disk?
person had no id? how to take care of things.

Sweet, enjoy, Ive had it since I bought back in 98 at Toys r us for $39.99, If I knew how rare the game was then, I’d bought 6 copies. It is a greeat game! :anjou_happy:

May I suggest creating an ISO of the disk before trying to clean it? That way at least you’ll be able to emulate it if the cleaning goes wrong.

Or at the very least play it through first!

People seem to suggest usual methods just being careful with the amount of pressure you apply, so as to not remove the print.