Favourite Dreamcast games

If you like old-school side scrolling beat’em ups like Final Fight, Streets of Rage and Guardian Heroes, you should find Sword of the Berserk a worthwhile experience.

The game is actually longer than Zombie Revenge but is still too short to call itself an undisputed classic. Still, the game is beautiful and the character models are lavished in detail and originality.

Yes, Guardian Heroes was a bit special in my book so on that basis, I think I can be persuaded to part with ?5 for Berserk.

I’m looking at my DC collection now, pondering what might have been if the DC had continued beyond its early death. Jesus, it’s actually quite upsetting :-s

But seriously, being a DC owner filled me with pride. Not zealous pride or anything, just happiness resulting in the knowledge that I invested in a console that tried so many new and wonderful ideas well ahead of the competition.

That and the DC reminds me of happier days, of course.

I forgot to add all the cool 2D fighting games like Street Fighter III 3rd strike, Garou - Mark of the Wolves, Marvel vs Capcom 2, Capcom vs SNK 2, King of Fighters 99 (best in the series imo), Guilty Gear X and propably more that I can’t remember atm :slight_smile:

Thinking about the number of great games that died with the Dreamcast is almost unbearable. I’m just glad I didn’t pay full price for mine and most of the games I own for it. Of course, when the Dreamcast hit the market I was too busy playing all those great games Interplay no longer develops/publishes to concern myself with the Dreamcast.


Guess I like…

Draconus: Sword of the Wyrm
Sword of the Bezerk: Guts Rage
Sonic Adventure 2

Space Tank: Moon Target

OH YEAH, and Beatem Forks!

Dreamcast games? Hmm, I suppose that one of my faves has to be Jet Grind Radio. I don’t really know why though. It’s just addictive…

Jet Set Radio pwns j00 all!!! :sunglasses:

Not Jet Set Radio…
There was Jet Grind Radio (okay), Jet Set Radio (failure), and Jet Set Radio Future (smiles wide).

Other than Jet Grind Radio, I guess I liked the Sonic Adventure, and Soul Calibur…

I thought Grind and Set are the same game depending on which country’s version it is…
And personally I prefer the DC game over the X-box game in every aspect including the cartoony-er visuals.

Grind and Set are typically the same game, but I had both variants.

So how can one be “okay” and the other a “failure”…

She’s hi agehn…

I’ve enjoyed every moment of Headhunter so far. The frame rate noticeably dropped in a few parts of the Biotech labs, which I thought detracted from my enjoyment a little. I’ve read that the Playstation 2 version isn’t as prone to slowdown as the Dreamcast original. Conversely, the in-game textures are much more jagged in the Playstation 2 conversion.

The duel with Hank Redwood was awesome. I felt like I was Neo in The Matrix dodging bullets. I’ve never had so much fun navigating invisible laser fences like I have in Headhunter either.

Well, I’m glad you are enjoying it, I found it too old school in a bad sense in a lot of parts. Especially the last boss…
I hope the sequel has seamless transitions between on foot/driving as well and has the driving parts more integrated.

Skies of Arcadia, Grandia 2, Phantasy Star online and Ecco the Dolphin: DOTF. (Ecco was probably the most frustrating one of these, sucha hard game. Anyone who has played the hanging waters level would know what I speak of.)

I hear that.

There seem to be a number of bugs Amuze didn’t iron out in time for the game’s initial release. I found myself stuck behind a door once, and my version has crashed a few times. I wish the developers would’ve taken the time to purge the game of these flaws and ensure a consistent frame rate throughout the entire game (the frame rate only dropped in certain areas, which were usually open spaces full of enemies, and when in the presence of a few massive explosions).

Overall, it’s a great game. Do you know if the Xbox sequel will boast any visual enhancements over the Playstation 2 version? I’d hate to think the Xbox is receiving a port of a Playstation 2 game.

Don’t know but my guess is it’s gonna be a port…like most games. Microsoft is making movement now to try and make Xbox the first platform of development by introducing tools amd techs that allow easy development and also easy degration for the other consoles but I don’t think it will catch up a lot…

you mean XNA? If so that won’t come about for a while yet. If not, please tell us more.

“And so Ecco fell from Hanging Waters, screaming little dolphin obscenities all the way down.”

^ - ^