Favorite Dragon Type Discussion

Hat Wars: Megatherium Strikes Back

Bring it.

Skydart! A funky look for a funky name! Rockin’!

My favorite form was the Panzer Wing, but since thats not an option I chose my second favorite - the Solo Wing.

Out of those choices I’ve voted for the Skydart, although the Solo Wing and the Windrider probably stick in my mind the most from PD2 and PD1. If we’re talking about forms from Saga, I’ve always thought that the Stripe Wing looked pleasantly distinctive.

I’ve never become as attached to the forms from PDO: the Base Wing is nice, but I’ve always thought that it looked kind of cheesy with its bright green colour scheme and clawed “hands”. The later evolutions of the Heavy Wing and Glide Wing looked a bit too abstract for my liking, as well; they seemed a bit out of place compared to the dragons from the previous games.

I reckon I loved Glide Wing Level 3.

I think I’m one of the only ones who loved the dragon designs in PDO :’(

No! I liked the PDO dragons.

I liked Heavy Wing at level one. Something so weird and evil about that form. So many spikes… I like sharp and pointy things…

I like Armonite better. That’s all.

yeah me too! there was a definite stylistic change in that the dragons started looking more like malformed animals that the “divine messengers of the gods”. heavy and glide wing seemed to have some insectoid influences. base wing seemed reptilian, but the fluidity of its movements made it seem amphibian sometimes… or cephalopodian…

maybe these subtle changes are a result of the heresy program not being there to guide it? look at the growth under base wing’s chin… there are plenty of other parts where it just doesn’t seem as “holy” as the older forms.

and there was the recording of the heresy program where it asked about its other half… why it was still functioning. maybe the deal is that the dragon’s purpose is fulfilled, but it is sticking around to “take care of its friends”. but without it’s duty to drive it, the spirit that posesses the dragons is weakening/decaying so the dragon forms aren’t as “beatiful” as the other forms…

What you said above is a very good theory to explain why the style changed so much from the previous games. Good material for the theories section.

it would also explain why lagi didn’t have enough strength to… cries

maybe i’ll dilly something up then… but only if i acquire pretty screenshots like the others did :slight_smile:


yeah me too! there was a definite stylistic change in that the dragons started looking more like malformed animals that the “divine messengers of the gods”. heavy and glide wing seemed to have some insectoid influences. base wing seemed reptilian, but the fluidity of its movements made it seem amphibian sometimes… or cephalopodian…

maybe these subtle changes are a result of the heresy program not being there to guide it? look at the growth under base wing’s chin… there are plenty of other parts where it just doesn’t seem as “holy” as the older forms.

and there was the recording of the heresy program where it asked about its other half… why it was still functioning. maybe the deal is that the dragon’s purpose is fulfilled, but it is sticking around to “take care of its friends”. but without it’s duty to drive it, the spirit that posesses the dragons is weakening/decaying so the dragon forms aren’t as “beatiful” as the other forms…[/quote]

Yeah, that’s a good theory Megatherium. It’s possible (actually I think quite likely) that the Heresy program shaped and morphed the dragon into it’s final Solo Wing form, hence the reason why the blue dragon is not in Panzer Dragoon Orta (in the story I mean).

Without the Heresy program occupying it, the dragon wouldn’t have any predeterminded forms to turn into. It would follow a more natural path of growth.

Ah yes, the word decay would explain the designs…