[Fan game topic] The ideas so far

{Moved to Seekers’ Stronghold forum as the project is cancelled}

This is just copy/pasted from the other thread which was copied from our emails…

[quote=“Solo Wing Dragon”]Okay, here are the ideas that I have so far for the story of Panzer Dragoon Genos. They’re not much so far, but more are likely to come to me as time passes:

Main Character: Azel

Theme: Azel’s search for Edge.


  • The failing Old Empire (those who are left of the Old Empire).
  • Biomonsters that have been let loose by the Towers (the game will be set over the time

of the Great Fall, so the Pandora’s Box descriptions will come in handy here).

  • Maybe a drone/dragon enemy as well, but it depends if there is room.


  • Sestren. Considering that Azel’s quest takes her to Sestren in PDO, I think that would be an ideal location (it would be different from Panzer Dragoon Saga if it actually had free flight bits as well - so the dragon could fly into different memory cells at the player’s desire).
  • Desert. Another location I had thought of is a desert level. Panzer Dragoon Saga ends here, so it would seem logical to maybe start the game here.
  • Ruined landscape/structure. One other location I thought might be interesting is a “collapsing environment/ruins” type level. During the Great Fall the landscape changed dramatically. I’m not sure how possible this level would be for Feveth to create, but I’m just tossing around ideas here. A ruined Tower of Uru could be interesting too.
  • Seeker base. For a town location, a Seeker base would probably be the most appropriate.

Dragon: I have three ideas for the possible dragon that Azel could ride.

  • Firstly (and this probably quite far fetched) the coolia that Azel rides at the end of PDS could mutate into the dragon. This could be an excuse for ground battles to take place.
  • Secondly, our old friend Lagi could reunite with Azel after leaving Sestren. “Watch over our friends”. Lagi could lead Azel to Edge’s remains in Sestren.
  • Thirdly, Azel could be reunited with Atolm. Some dragons, such as the Guardian Dragon, could never truly die until their purposes had been fulfilled.

I personally like the second option the best. Maybe a coolia riding level could take place first in the desert, and then Azel could be reunited with Lagi after that (to add variety).

Feveth said that game couldn?t be too long (and I agree with her on this point - if the story is too long the game is unlikely to see the light of day). The game would have to be no longer than a few hours (about the length of one Saga disc), so we’d have to keep the story quite short and straight to the point without too many alterations from Azel’s main goal (to find Edge). So, no more than about 4 locations and one town.

So these are my ideas. I haven’t really touched on what could happen in the actual plot, as I’m still trying to think of exactly how it could work. I think the next step is to hear both of your ideas so we can put them all together and decide which ones would be appropriate for the game and which ones should be excluded. Geoff came up with an idea “some remnants of the Empire will need to exist to try to kill Azel or even succeed.”

That’s an interesting idea worth adding to the idea pool.[/quote]

[quote=“Geoffrey Duke”]Ok, how about instead of Atolm coming back from the dead, Azel finds a new dragon? She would know the location of all the ancient ruins/Towers and their dormant guardians after all. Unless Atolm and Azel were originally meant to be the Tower of Uru’s guardians, a dragon guardian must exist something, sleeping, waiting, and indeed, begging to be found.

A desert full of tornadoes sucking sand up into the air sounds like a cool idea too.[/quote]

[quote=“Lance”]Ok, here are my ideas based off Chris? first email. All shorthand, so forgive the absence of grammar. All just basic suggestions, too:

The idea of doing it with Azel is great, as it lets us tie this in with a known character without contradicting what official game(s) may come in the future. Just for reference, my other idea would be the Sky Rider, as his story would be conveniently quite short :slight_smile:


  • If we?re having only a few areas, each one could have a specific ?set? of enemies ? i.e. one with mutated monsters, one with pure-type, one with the Old Empire, and one in Sestren as Chris suggested, with Sestren enemies.


  • I think the Sestren system being the free-flying final area would be great. We could have enemies similar to the ones in PDO in it, and maybe some “computerised” versions of past Panzer favourites (along the lines of the Sealance Images and Sandworm sub-boss in Orta, but other classic monsters instead).

  • Prior to the Sestren bit, we would need to have Azel enter the Episode 6 ruins from Orta. (I think the implication is that she entered Sestren from there; she made Orta in those ruins using the data from Sestren, so that would make sense.) We don’t have to necessarily devote a whole area to that, though, or even use it at all if we can explain things some other way.

  • We could also try and do some kind of location that has never been done in a Panzer game before ? i.e. not desert, not forest, not sunken ruins, not open sea, not generic ruins interior. I?ve no idea what that could be at the moment, though - and we?d have to make it ?Panzery?.

  • For the Town, a Hunter caravan could also make sense, as Azel was last seen heading out into the desert. It could be a little bit bigger than the Saga caravan, too, and give more insight into Hunter culture (?)

  • Could have a section where Azel has to go out and destroy the approaching Imperial fleet, which want to take out the Town she has befriended. Maybe something like Saga?s Imperial Air Force Post, but in a desert / forest setting instead?


  • I actually came up with a fourth idea regarding what the dragon could be. Given that Azel seemed to have decent control over Ancient Age technologies, could she seek out and reactivate a dormant Ancient Age dragon? Something like the Dark Dragon, Guardian Dragon or Atolm. That would give us (maybe not us personally, but whoever designs the dragon) absolute free reign over what it would look like, too. Here is one way in which this could basically be incorporated, so tell me what you think:


  • Starts in the town, a desert caravan (something like the one in Saga). After asking around a bit, Azel hears legends/folklore regarding a “sleeping dragon”, which resides in some ruins to the east, through the wasteland. Obviously, none of the Hunters will go there. Azel understands the truth behind these legends (possibly reminding her of information she knows from the Ancient Age?) and sets off to find this dragon, which should be of great use to her in her quest if she can reactivate it.

  • Alternatively, could be a Seeker base - run by Gash, who set it up after Edge never showed up? - and he could direct Azel to a Compiler, who directs her to the sleeping dragon.

  • First “main area” is a short ride through a desert on the Coolia (which Azel still has). No real puzzles, akin to the simple “Valley” levels at the beginning of Saga. Mutated monster battles.

  • Second part of the area is the interior of the ruins. Azel could explore this on the Coolia. (Or even on foot - on foot battles?) Some very basic keys/switches puzzle-solving here. At the end, cutscene shows the Coolia unfortunately getting squashed by some kind of pure-type monster, but Azel is able to escape, reaching the chamber with the dormant dragon, which she reactivates.

  • The dragon is obedient to her, and will help her in the quest to come. After this, she could return to the Seeker settlement for the next bit of plot to take off.

Just the first stream of thoughts that entered my head, so tell me what you think.

Either way, I think riding the Coolia for the first ?introductory? area before you find whatever dragon we decide on would work well. This would be good for continuity, and easily allow for ground battles :slight_smile:

In terms of game length, we could just incorporate very short side-quests into the Town, which would net you some items. Apart from that, maybe keep it all on the same plot.

So what do you guys think?[/quote]

[quote=“Solo Wing Dragon”]It all sounds pretty good so far. I think from what both of you have suggested so far, the idea of Azel as the main character with an all-new dragon will be the idea that we go with. Also, having a new dragon instead of Lagi (which we’d have to use if the Sky Rider was the main character) gives much more freedom of design like you say. I like what both of you have suggested so far.

I’ll briefly go through what I think of Lance’s points:

The game could start off with Azel travelling west through the desert on the coolia. If we made the caravan/town in the desert a Seeker base (perhaps a temporary one, since they would have only just left the waterfall base from PDS) that would save on having to make the location later on (we know that Azel must at some point make contact the Seekers because they have her daughter). Other than that, I think what you’ve got here is a good intro.

That sounds good. I think coolia battles would be the best option, as Feveth would otherwise have to program a separate game engine for on foot battles; coolia battles would be simular to dragon battles except that the coolia wouldn’t be able to attack, but Azel could have a handgun. Maybe the boss for this ruins stage (some sort of Guardian would no doubt be protecting the ruins) could be the one that destroys the coolia, but then the sleeping dragon could awake and help Azel defeat the guardian (the dragon could have be created/modified by the Ancient rebels to obey her or other drones stolen by the rebels).

Azel could return to the Seekers to find that the Empire has appeared again, which could set the stage for the next stage. At some point I think it would be cool for the Seekers, or some of the Seekers, to doubt Azel’s motives. I can imagine some Seekers thinking “Ever since she awakened the Tower things have gotten worse, there have been more biomonster attacks and now that the Towers have been deactivated nothing better has happened, the Great Fall has only caused the deaths of millions of humans”. There could be lots of reasons why some of the Seekers would doubt Azel’s true motives and it would be great to show their lack of faith in the drone.

I think this would be a good idea too. If there are only four areas it could go something like this:

  1. Desert Level - Mutated enemies
  2. Ruins of the Sleeping Dragon - Pure Types
  3. Fight against the Empire - Imperial ships
  4. Sestren - Sestren enemies.

Yeah, this seems like a great idea to me too. A fused-Atolm maybe?

We could have the ruins of the Sleeping dragon as the same ruins as Episode 6. After the third stage (fighting the imperial fleet), Azel could find out a way to enter Sestren via those ruins, from the Seekers. Reusing these ruins would mean that the same textures, etc, could be used so it would be easier than developing a whole level.

How about a larva/volcanic stage? Before I mentioned that the world was constantly changing and there were many earthquakes after the Great Fall. Panzer style ruins sinking into patches of larva would create the feeling that there had recently been a volcanic eruption, or a great shifting inside the earth due to the Towers not holding the landforms together any longer. Merging this level with a fight against the Empire (and the odd rock monster like the Hellions from Geogious) could be quite dramatic. What do you guys think?[/quote]

[quote=“Geoffrey Duke”]I like the basic outline of the game so far. Azel
would have no trouble synchronizing with another
Ancient Age dragon since I doubt it would have the
free will to side with Sestren (drones were created to
control them, or keep them in check after all). The
sleeping dragon itself could wake up once the guardian
of the ruins both creatures call home reaches
half-strength, at which point the dragon would
obliterate the guardian and thus bring the battle to
an end.

I have some ideas about how the Empire could feasibly
be introduced into the story, even temporarily. We
know the Empire only sent its command fleet to capture
the Tower of Uru, which means at least a fraction of
the Imperial fleet would still be lingering in places.
A few ship battles could logically be incorporated
into the story after Azel takes control of the dragon
that once slept within the ruins. Here’s the real bulk
of this idea: we could explain what happened to the
remainder of the Imperial armada by having it wiped
out by some kind of natural catastrophe, like being
destroyed at the hands of lightening bursts
originating from a sudden electrical storm. What do
you think?

Anyway, the Empire (or faction thereof) would be just
as keen to acquire an Ancient Age dragon, if not more
so, than Azel (even at this point in time), so this
sole motivation could lead them to Azel at some stage.
The following encounter with the Empire could be set
against the backdrop of cloudy, followed by stormy skies.

G Duke

And here is Lance’s last email…

[quote=“Lance”]OK, here is my latest batch of storyline ideas and opinions. There are some spoiler-tastic suggestions here, so I thought I?d at least keep this particular email away from the forums. First, about some of the points that you guys raised:


?The game could start off with Azel travelling west through the desert on the Coolia.?

Yes, having the end of Azel?s journey prior to the town would be good for continuity. We could have it as a very rugged and rocky wasteland, rather than a normal ?sandy? desert. Perhaps like Zwei Episode 2, but a much more open area. It would at least look more unique this way - i.e. not like the Garil Desert or PD1 Episode 2. I think we should try and make the areas look original and distinctive wherever possible.


?If we made the caravan/town in the desert a Seeker base (perhaps a temporary one, since they would have only just left the waterfall base from PDS) that would save on having to make the location later on (we know that Azel must at some point make contact the Seekers because they have her daughter).?

I think that on reflection the Seekers would indeed offer up better storyline possibilities (see below).


?I think Coolia battles would be the best option, as Feveth would otherwise have to program a separate game engine for on foot battles; Coolia battles would be similar to dragon battles except that the Coolia wouldn’t be able to attack, but Azel could have a handgun.?

Good point, and I?m in agreement.


?Maybe the boss for this ruins stage (some sort of Guardian would no doubt be protecting the ruins) could be the one that destroys the Coolia, but then the sleeping dragon could awake and help Azel defeat the guardian.?

How about:

  1. Azel sets dragon-awakening sequence in motion from a terminal / ancient artefact

  2. This awakens boss. Boss battle ensues.

  3. When boss?s life energy is depleted to almost nothing, it suddenly replenishes, worryingly (Grig Orig style)

  4. The game goes into cut-scene mode. Coolia gets squashed. Dragon fully awakens, appears majestically, lasers the boss a bit. Azel climbs aboard.

  5. You have control again, and get to finish off the boss battle.

That could be flavourful and dramatic…


?How about a larva/volcanic stage??

Amusingly enough, this was the first ?new? design that occurred to me, as well. Yes, I think that such a level could be very interesting.


?we could explain what happened to the
remainder of the Imperial armada by having it wiped
out by some kind of natural catastrophe, like being
destroyed at the hands of lightening bursts
originating from a sudden electrical storm.?

This could be incorporated into the tempestuous volcanic region Chris suggested. I agree that we should incorporate the Empire into this game in some way, as it wouldn?t feel right without them, and we can easily work around any slight continuity problems if we try.


?Anyway, the Empire (or faction thereof) would be just
as keen to acquire an Ancient Age dragon, if not more
so, than Azel (even at this point in time), so this
sole motivation could lead them to Azel at some stage.?

This would be another reason why the Seekers that Azel will - or rather might - come into contact with could not be so well disposed towards her this time around. (See below.)


If we are having Azel?s journey continue straight on from Saga, how are we going to have her find the gun? We don?t want to ?do a Smilebit? here if we can avoid it :slight_smile:

Perhaps the introduction could see her finding it, kind of like in Zwei but more detailed / plausible than it just lying conveniently on the ground. Or maybe she could have found (bought?) it before the events we show, but we’d need to point this out.

Remember that in Saga, the dragon?s lasers did everything: broke objects, accessed things, even signified entry into a portal between areas (though that never did make sense). If we?re going to be working on a similar system of ?Access?, ?Break?, ?Enter? commands, we need to think of how they could be incorporated when Azel is still on the Coolia. (If we use the Coolia.) This shouldn?t be too hard, though.

If we include the Empire (as I think we should) then we need to observe the fact that ?no dragons have been reported? since Edge?s dragon appeared prior to the the Great Fall. One suggestion would be that the last Imperial ship (boss) that Azel fights should be trying to contact an external base with information about her and the dragon, but that she defeats it before it is able to report her position to the rest of the Empire.

Random idea: Have a cameo appearance from a Wormrider tribe.

We might need to explain / get around this point that Gehn raised:

?Have you considered the fact that dragons are supposed to be bound to their riders and won’t obey anyone else? How is Azel getting a dragon just like that??


I maintain that we should try and be original in the visual style of the levels. Though Panzer games have often re-hashed the same styles of area, (forest, sunken ruins, desert etc.) I think we could do with making this game as visually original as possible while still keeping within Panzer themes.

If we?re starting it out in the desert, a ?different? desert could be a harsh wasteland of rugged, rocky ground (as opposed to yellow, sandy deserts of other games). The sub-areas within could be a mixture of pale canyons, brooding caverns and dusty open wastes.

A dark, volcanic region (Chris came up with this idea too). Either a volcanic plain, or mountain passes / valleys, with rivers of lava, or maybe something else?

A ruined city from the Ancient Age. Think ?The Fallen Ground?, but with ruined buildings that actually look like typical Ancient structures (i.e. normal white/black abstract design). Might be visually too ambitious, but a nice idea. This could be where the “Slumbering Dragon” resides, in the heart of the dead city. Would be a very interesting, (if technically ambitious,) place to explore.

A verdant plain, or savannah region. Maybe even with a picturesque sunset and those African-style low savannah trees? That might look quite Panzer-ish and unique at the same time. This would also tie in with the ?improving natural ecosystems? that we see in PDO?s Altered Genos.


The Seekers in Saga were largely virtuous and, well, ?good guy? characters. In PDO, however, the Seekers have been treating Orta in a very cruel way, and they seem much more preoccupied with warfare than before. To better explain this strange continuity, we could have some much more complex and dark Seeker characters. (If we use a temporary Seeker base / ?Seeker Caravan? as has been suggested.)

An actual madman springs to mind, someone who would be fiercely dedicated to the Seekers? cause because it gave him an excuse for battle. That would be more of a side character, though.

For a semi-main character, may I suggest an actual Seeker antagonist? Chris already suggested that the Seekers could have serious doubts about Azel at some point. What if one of the high-up Seekers openly opposes her throughout the game, makes life difficult for her, and maybe even challenges her towards the end? This man (or woman) could have immense prejudices against Azel merely because she is a Drone. (A Drone-ist?) This would open up all sorts of avenues for dramatic confrontation, between this character and Azel, between this character and Gash… he/she could even lead a renegade following of Seekers away from Gash?s command, and/or rise up against him. Gash, presumably, would be supportive of Azel throughout after what she helped him achieve (?)

This could be the prelude to the treatment that Orta eventually receives in PDO. This prejudiced way of thinking may be supported by other Seekers, with the implication that ill feelings toward Drones are spreading fast after the Great Fall (that Azel, after all, caused). There could be some Seekers in the town who will have nothing to do with you because you are a Drone, or who you have to get other characters to converse with for you in order to get what you desire (like information on the slumbering guardian dragon, if we use that).


Premature as this may be, I think I have a decent suggestion for what we could use as the game?s final bosses. If we?re assuming for the moment that things will end in Sestren, that is…

Azel will basically be searching Sestren for records of Edge?s fate, and we could have her stumbling across various memory cells containing the events of past games. We could even go further than PDO does and have little re-created cut-scenes ? or even small playable areas ? out of previous Panzer games. (The bit in PDO?s Sestren where you are flying towards Shellcoof with all the Sealance images gave me this idea.) Though this is very adventurous, I thought I?d raise it anyway.

As a total suggestion, could Azel find a ?recording? left for her by Edge in the same way that she eventually leaves one for Azel? It could be a good-bye from him, telling her that he can never return, etc.

Finding out that her entire quest has been for nothing, the previously hopeful Azel could be consumed with rage. She has not exactly had a pleasant life up to this point, and finding out that Edge has indeed been taken away from her could push her over the edge. It did seem to be the only hope that she had left.This could set the scene for the game?s final boss(es), which break into the Memory Cell and try to eliminate once and for all this obvious threat to the system…

?Fused Atolm? was suggested earlier. I?d like to venture a final boss sequence consisting of:




This struck me as being logical, fitting and very, very cool if it can be pulled off well enough. It could be a very nice surprise for fans, and a dramatic final battle.

Well, that?s my latest thoughts and suggestions. Some of them will be useable, and many will not be: so tell me what you think.[/quote]

So far I like these ideas. I’ll just respond to a few of Lance’s comments here before I go to bed:

I like the idea of making it a more rocky desert. If you remember at the end of Panzer Dragoon Saga, the desert that Azel was riding away into looked quite barren, and there were little pieces of rock everywhere. Something that showed the barren nature of world would be cool to make the player think that the PD world was dying…

…which just gave me a thought. Maybe if Azel returns to the desert later in the game there could be little patches of grass and shrubs emerging in the desert? That would create the feeling that the world was in fact healing after the Towers were deactivating.

[quote=“Lance”]How about:

  1. Azel sets dragon-awakening sequence in motion from a terminal / ancient artefact

  2. This awakens boss. Boss battle ensues.

  3. When boss?s life energy is depleted to almost nothing, it suddenly replenishes, worryingly (Grig Orig style)

  4. The game goes into cut-scene mode. Coolia gets squashed. Dragon fully awakens, appears majestically, lasers the boss a bit. Azel climbs aboard.

  5. You have control again, and get to finish off the boss battle.

That could be flavourful and dramatic…[/quote]

That sounds pretty good. The finer details of the scene could be made clear nearer the time, but we should also show come sort of bonding process or make it clear why Azel is able to bond with this dragon so easily. I think you actually mentioned that further down…


This could be incorporated into the tempestuous volcanic region Chris suggested. I agree that we should incorporate the Empire into this game in some way, as it wouldn?t feel right without them, and we can easily work around any slight continuity problems if we try.[/quote]

That would be great. A nice dramatic scene where the Empire goes down due to the natural effects of the Towers shutting down would go well with the details in Pandora’s Box: “The immense tragedies that befell the Empire have been engraved into the minds of the people, and is generally regarded as the time of greatest turmoil that man has ever known since the fall of the Ancient Age.”

Another really good idea.


Perhaps the introduction could see her finding it, kind of like in Zwei but more detailed / plausible than it just lying conveniently on the ground. Or maybe she could have found (bought?) it before the events we show, but we’d need to point this out.[/quote]

Perhaps Azel could start off with one of those cross bow things (that shot down the coolia in the Zwei intro)? An’jou could have given her one when they met in the epilogue of PDS. When Azel arrives at the Seeker base, Gash (or Jarad rather) would probably be only to happy to give/sell her one. The seekers must have had some of them.

Perhaps (to add a twist) the coolia could not break open items, and instead only find items strewn across the ground (they could be picked up by just walking over them). If there were some breakable targets in the first few areas, that would give the player an incentive to return back in order to retrieve the items that it could not previously get. It would be a bit like those areas in Uru Caves that had items which the Floater could not break.

I agree, this sounds like a good idea. Perhaps their could be a timer like that Deathmaker boss in Saga? If the boss wasn’t defeated by the time the timer ran out then the signal would get back to the main fleet and all hell would break lose (or game over).

That would be interesting… but how would we incoperate it into the current story?

[quote]We might need to explain / get around this point that Gehn raised:

?Have you considered the fact that dragons are supposed to be bound to their riders and won’t obey anyone else? How is Azel getting a dragon just like that??[/quote]

That could pose quite a problem… I’ll have to think on this one.

That sounds quite cool, although maybe quite difficult to implant. Maybe this city could also contain a gateway to Sestren (for later in the game).

Yeah, that sounds good too, although we’re going to have to have a limited number of levels here so I’m not sure if there’d be room. But maybe for the Seeker base?

[quote=“Lance”]> An actual madman springs to mind, someone who would be fiercely dedicated to the Seekers? cause because it gave him an excuse for battle. That would be more of a side character, though.

For a semi-main character, may I suggest an actual Seeker antagonist? Chris already suggested that the Seekers could have serious doubts about Azel at some point. What if one of the high-up Seekers openly opposes her throughout the game, makes life difficult for her, and maybe even challenges her towards the end? This man (or woman) could have immense prejudices against Azel merely because she is a Drone. (A Drone-ist?) This would open up all sorts of avenues for dramatic confrontation, between this character and Azel, between this character and Gash… he/she could even lead a renegade following of Seekers away from Gash?s command, and/or rise up against him. Gash, presumably, would be supportive of Azel throughout after what she helped him achieve (?)

This could be the prelude to the treatment that Orta eventually receives in PDO. This prejudiced way of thinking may be supported by other Seekers, with the implication that ill feelings toward Drones are spreading fast after the Great Fall (that Azel, after all, caused). There could be some Seekers in the town who will have nothing to do with you because you are a Drone, or who you have to get other characters to converse with for you in order to get what you desire (like information on the slumbering guardian dragon, if we use that).[/quote]

I think all these ideas are great. If we could somehow tie this in with the Empire’s part in the story it would work out quite well. Maybe this seeker-enemy could betray Azel to the Empire?



Premature as this may be, I think I have a decent suggestion for what we could use as the game?s final bosses. If we?re assuming for the moment that things will end in Sestren, that is…

Azel will basically be searching Sestren for records of Edge?s fate, and we could have her stumbling across various memory cells containing the events of past games. We could even go further than PDO does and have little re-created cut-scenes ? or even small playable areas ? out of previous Panzer games. (The bit in PDO?s Sestren where you are flying towards Shellcoof with all the Sealance images gave me this idea.) Though this is very adventurous, I thought I?d raise it anyway.

As a total suggestion, could Azel find a ?recording? left for her by Edge in the same way that she eventually leaves one for Azel? It could be a good-bye from him, telling her that he can never return, etc.

Finding out that her entire quest has been for nothing, the previously hopeful Azel could be consumed with rage. She has not exactly had a pleasant life up to this point, and finding out that Edge has indeed been taken away from her could push her over the edge. It did seem to be the only hope that she had left.This could set the scene for the game?s final boss(es), which break into the Memory Cell and try to eliminate once and for all this obvious threat to the system…

?Fused Atolm? was suggested earlier. I?d like to venture a final boss sequence consisting of:




This struck me as being logical, fitting and very, very cool if it can be pulled off well enough. It could be a very nice surprise for fans, and a dramatic final battle.[/quote]

It sounds quite cool, and I think fans would like it. However, if this is the last boss then we have to take into consideration who is controlling these fused dragons… in PDS, it was Sestren who was hurling all these fused beings at the dragon. I suppose it could be the system itself, but for something as important as the final boss I feel we need a more personal encounter - I just don’t know who could be controlling these fused guardians.

One other thing, what will become of Azel’s newfound dragon in the end… and Azel herself?

Got the message. Good good.

I’ve yet to comment on Lance’s latest ideas but rest assured I will soon.

This is going to be seriously fun to make. It’s gonna be tough, but I like everything so far.

What we’ve come up with here is quite a large game, so I hope that it isn’t too large to actually be completed.

Given the current plans, what part of the game are you thinking of working on first, Feveth? The start would probably be the most logical part, but maybe not.

One other thing… Al3xand3r posted some 3D models he made on the Seekers’ Stronghold board. Do you think they’re good enough for him to join the team? They looked pretty good to me.


Feveth, where are you?

Any reason why this project going to cancel and amazing forum for me how many years now this forum services provide for the internet online peoples.?