Famistu disses PSU

Regardless of the way you cut it, Gehn, there are interpretations of the Bible that point out that homosexuality is a sin. Other interpretations do not make nearly as grave a statement, but it’s there for what it’s worth.

It’s impossible to get people to change their views on their faith, which is why I simply propose to remove “marriage” from the law books (if “marriage” is a religious ceremony, what’s it doing in the law books to begin with? And do Christians object to non-religious or people from other religions getting “married”?), and replace it with civil unions. Let people get legally bound at City Hall, and spiritually bound at their place of worship of choice.

And TA, it’s not so much “too politically correct,” as “got our priorities all screwed up.” A flash of nipple? Half the population sees that every morning when they shower. Sheesh.


[quote=“Team Andromeda”]

Oh look I don’t agree with a lot of what the Cathloic or any other church as to say.

And I really don?t want to get caught in any debate on these matters.
Just that I believe GOD designed man to make love to a woman at the most basic level . When you getting married you asking GOD to bless it and that all I really want to say on the subject

I?m not against homosexuals at all. I don?t agree with it, but what they get unto behind closed doors is quite frankly up to them. I just don?t believe in homosexuals being allowed to be married.

I can?t help the way I feel, but for all other things like pension rights ect, I?m all for that and want to see it happen.[/quote]

Marriage isn’t suposed to be about sex but about love between two persons.Going to a Church isn’t going to make your marriage anymore blessed.It’s your commitment and your faith in God that will do that.

I just don’t get when people say God designed women and men to be heterosexual and yet they say everything is the will of God and God loves everyone and yet they think God disproves such things.I think God is responsible for the laws of Nature and that he gives us room to do our good or our evil within our natural limits.

Beeing born homossexual is not going to make you any more sinner.Beeing homossexual and having homossexual urgues could never be a sin since that’s the way you were born.

It’s just hypocrite for any christian to say out loud they are all for equal rights but in the end you get an insane number of racists within the Church (just as in common society) and you get the same number of homophobics.

What exactly don’t your agree with?[/quote]

You see I knew this would happen. If you go by the good book, then homosexuality is classed a sin.

Now , I?m not one of these people that think they?re disgusting to the human race or massive sinner ect. J
ust that they shouldn?t be allowed to marry, for the simple reason you?re asking GOD to bless something that the Bible says he doesn?t believe in.

There a reason why only a man and women together can make a baby.
Not 2 women or 2 men , but a man and a women. I?m sorry but that?s the way I feel, and the way I have been brought up.

I?m not against heterosexuals, after all it happens in the animal kingdom too. What they get up too is up to them, they?re not hurting anybody after all
Just I don?t feel they should be allowed to marry.

But I recognise these are taxes payers and home owners ect.
They should have the same right as a married couple when it comes to housing rights ect.


And TA, it’s not so much “too politically correct,” as “got our priorities all screwed up.” A flash of nipple? Half the population sees that every morning when they shower. Sheesh.[/quote]

Good point,
I’ll just like to know whats so bad about seeing the human body ??.

Anway talking of RPG’s and the ood bit of politically correctness. Did you ever play 3X3 on the Mega CD mate ?.
If so whats it’s like to play (story wise) I have the Import version (Great case and poster) but haven’t a clue whats going on, only that the Art style is more on par ot that of the Comic book, rather than the films.

It seems to be a awesome game, and one that uses the CD (real speech ect), and was gutted when SEGA or WD never brought this to the west. As I loved the Cartoon back in those days

I personally I’m a christian but I think as far as faith is concerned you only believe in what you believe.The old testament is crawling with prophets that gave their culture’s views of things.

I’m a christian because I believe in Christ and just because the Church as their categorization of what they think it’s true it doesn’t mean I have to believe in it.

That’s just it : people regard it as hypocrisy or something.Choosing what to believe is faith itself.There’s nothing hypocritical about that.The Bible IS a group of individual books.Just because some roman emperor abided (sp?) by them all doens’t mean eberyone has too.

[quote]There a reason why only a man and women together can make a baby.
Not 2 women or 2 men , but a man and a women. I?m sorry but that?s the way I feel, and the way I have been brought up. [/quote]

So?What is your point? (ps: i know you are a cool cat and I just want to say I’m not accusing you of anything even if it seems so.I’m asking without second intentions)

God created nature right?Weren’t homossexuals in God’s plans?Wasn’t every minority known today in God’s plans?Isn’t everyone thet son of God?

I realize this isn’t the right place for this convo but I hate unfinished arguments :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s why I brought up the animal kindom it doesn’t really get more natural than that.
So it becomes hard to say GOD never ment people to be Homosexuals.

Look I?m not a bible basher, and heterosexuals are making a joke of the marriage vows thier selfs.
I speak, as believer is that marriage is for life, and that you only ask GOD once to bless the wedding
People shouldn?t be allowed to marry until they’ve lived together for 2 years, if I had my way.
It?s far too easy to get married, and then to get divorced these days.

But I was brought up in the ways of the Catholic Church when it comes to things like marriage (My Great Grandmother and Father were devout Irish Catholics), and some of that as rubbed off on the family.

I?m not against gays. just don?t believe in marriage for Gays. Its as simple as that.
For all other things like shared pensions ect. I?m all for it, and it should happen.

I have trouble with asking GOD to bless homosexuals? marriage.
I really can?t help the way I feel about it. Only to assure you I don?t hate these people and on. It?s only the marriage part that gets me.

I hope you understand, I think Catholics in places like Africa should use condoms ect. I don?t live my life by the book, far from it

Okay man.I just wished to know why exactly do you have a problem with gay marriage.

I personally find nothing wrong with TA’s view. It’s his view, well thought out, and respectful to others. :slight_smile:

As for 3x3, nope. Never played it, so I couldn’t help ya there. Sorry =\

I haven’t got a problem with his view either I just think everyone has a good reason to think their way.And I dind’t quite get his.

Its out already in Japan? :anjou_wow:

Sakura Taisen V is as it reached number 1 in the japanese charts,PSU has yet to be released.