Fall of the Ancient Age

"-Edge, do you remember the village
we visited, shortly after we met?


-We, the seekers are…
the survivors of the villages
attacked by those monsters.
Justice may not be with us.
But no matter what they call it,
humans struggle to survive.
And we’re no exception.
For us to be truly free…

*You need Azel… huh?

-But that’s not all.
To shut down the Tower,
you’ll need him.

*The dragon!?

-The dragons ended the Ancient Age
by terminating all of the active
ruins and towers.

*The ‘Divine Visitor’…
is the dragon itself!"

This is from a conversation between Gash and Edge in the Seekers’ Stronghold.

What do you make of the orange part?I didn0t remember this line.Could this be a translation error?Or are Gash sources incorrect?

The Towers and ruins are still there, so unless these remaining facilities were inactive in the Ancient Age, Gash was probably wrong about this. I think the ruins were simply deactivated by the Ancients, and probably not by the dragons but by their riders.

One way or another, I doubt that dragons ended the ancient age single handedly. >.> Even their participation is debatable.

Like D-Unit said, the dragons’ riders (drones) would be more likely to deactivate (or “terminate”) the active ruins in the Ancient Age, if what Gash said was correct. This could have been while the drones were still aboard their dragons (like how the dark dragon/rider pair activated the Tower from afar in PD1).

Another couple of passages to consider are these two from Dragon Report 3:

But over the years, the Towers,
have worn down. They are not
functioning efficiently. The
regeneration process that began
in the Ancient Age has
still not been completed.

However, if the Towers return to
normal, the number of humans
would have to be severely reduced,
or we will have to live in a
much harsher environment, where
the fruits of the land would not

One theory I had was that near the end of Ancient Age a group of the Ancients (Abadd’s masters) saw that the world was being torn apart by war and so felt that they needed to reduce the human race to save it from itself.

They activated some of the Towers which wreaked havoc upon the world. Abadd’s Masters and/or Sestren then sent the dragons to deactivate the active ruins and save what was left of the world from being destroyed. This upset the balance that the Towers had created and caused further chaos (like in the Great Fall).

To save themselves (and perhaps the human race) in this dying world, Abadd’s Masters went into hibernation, but over time the remaining Towers wore down and their life-support also gave in. 10,000 years later the Heresy Dragon emerged (for whatever reason) and deactivated the remaining Towers completely, causing another major catastrophe, but one that ultimately freed the world from the will of the Towers.

The Heresy’s stance over this isn’t that linear.I’m almost sure it was a program introduced into the network in the Ancient Age.

But it was programmed to wait for the world to be restored by the Towers and only then would it deactivate them.

Even so, I just thought about this the other day : in Zwei and PD1 the dragon destroys the Towers (and Shellcoof WAS destroyed in Zwei,Solo;the Saga part is suposed to be a bit magical on itself.I mean there was no ship in the beginning at Georgious…) and that seems to be it’s purpose.But in Saga it wants to destroy Sestren.

It’s “destiny” is kind of interwined with that of the Divine Visitor in the game if you ask me…Heresy must have been waiting for the divine one…

[quote=“GehnTheBerserker”]The Heresy’s stance over this isn’t that linear.I’m almost sure it was a program introduced into the network in the Ancient Age.

But it was programmed to wait for the world to be restored by the Towers and only then would it deactivate them.[/quote]

I think so too. The question is, if that was the case, why was the Heresy program released early?

The Shelcoof was only partially destroyed in Zwei though. The Tower in Panzer Dragoon 1 appeared to have been completely blown up, but Lundi was still able to walk around inside Shelcoof after Lagi disabled it. In PDS, the Guardian Dragon was still alive because some beasts “cannot die until they fulfill their purpose” according to Gash. Shelcoof wasn’t completely destroyed, so the Guardian Dragon still existed to protect it.

Good point. The Divine Visitor was, after all, the only one who could free the world from the Will of the Ancients.

The Guardian Dragon reacted to the presence of the Heresy dragon.It remembered it.It’ seems it was reacting as if it didn’t knew it had been dead for years now…It thought he was still fighting the same fight at the end of Zwei.

That’s the way I see it anyways.What you say makes sense but I think he’s last “purpose” was killing the Heresy Dragon as a means to protect Shelcoof.

Wheter or not Shelcoof was safe in that precise moment…

[quote=“GehnTheBerserker”]The Guardian Dragon reacted to the presence of the Heresy dragon.It remembered it.It’ seems it was reacting as if it didn’t knew it had been dead for years now…It thought he was still fighting the same fight at the end of Zwei.

That’s the way I see it anyways.What you say makes sense but I think he’s last “purpose” was killing the Heresy Dragon as a means to protect Shelcoof.

Wheter or not Shelcoof was safe in that precise moment…[/quote]

I always thought that the Guardian Dragon’s primary purpose was the “guard” Shelcoof from any intruders. The dragon’s name speaks for itself. Perhaps the Guardian Dragon reacted because it saw the Heresy Dragon as a sizable threat (as opposed to the Empire which couldn’t do much to harm the Shelcoof). But its purpose would have bound to Sestren and stopping the Heresy Dragon, so either way that would have been part of its purpose too.

Anyway, the Shelcoof wasn’t completely destroyed (as in, completely gone like the Panzer Dragoon 1 Tower appeared to be after the Blue Dragon obliterated it). It seemed to me that Edge’s Dragon finished off what was only half done in Panzer Dragoon Zwei.

Well yes of course.But you’d expect that a major craft like that one would be completely useless after falling from the sky.But it seems that the Empire did reactivated it to some extent…