Edge's Diary: The 20 days of Panzer Dragoon Saga

you know what you’ve done and you continue to squirm around it. you blatently get peoples work and use it to make your own version, and say its your own. People like lance and arcie that have done their guides mostly (if not all) from scratch

I would be severly pissed of too, and i have been in this position loads of times. Also in the position that the content of inferior sites shouldn’t matter, copied or not, but the fact is it does alot.

e.g, if Lances guide didn’t exist, would those pages be anywhere near as good, or even complete?? If you had taken it down like lance asked in the first place, me, and probably alot of others wouldn’t dislike you as much.

Calling lance an asshole isn’t too great either mofo. I have no respect for you, regardless of how much you want to apologize to him.

The ultimate Panzer Dragoon Saga site my ass. More like a TWOTA wannabe

I don’t think he can ever call it his own guide. The guide remains based on the previous one, which was an altered version of Lance’s guide. It doesn’t matter in what way it’s presented. I don’t understand why anyone would go as far as literally copy-pasting entire parts of someone else’s work without asking them, calling it their own guide and then continue to modify the contents until it’s different enough from the original. Anyway, that’s all I have to say about it.

I think the guy got the picture already.

You might expect so, but he evidently hasn’t.

Legaiaflame, you still have about thirty of my images on your site that you’ve stolen from The Will of the Ancients and Panzer Dragoon Legacy. I asked you to remove these in the original topic, but it seems you’ve ignored me again. For the last time, these images are not public domain. They are original illustrative images created by myself that exist as part of my copyright protected articles on panzerdragoon.net, which you do not have permission to reproduce in whole or in part. After the way you’ve acted over this past week I have no intention of supporting your site. Remove them, and anything else of mine that you’ve taken.

retroandhelix.0catch.com/gat … racter.jpg
retroandhelix.0catch.com/ins … llocat.jpg
retroandhelix.0catch.com/ins … 2locat.jpg
retroandhelix.0catch.com/ins … 3locat.jpg

I was going to just PM this to legaiaflame, but honestly, I don’t think I should be hushing up what he’s trying to pull here.

Ah, it seems legaiaflame has moved his site to a different address; he’s restructured it a bit, but he’s still managed to keep half of those stolen images online.

panzerdragoonsaga.0catch.com … 5locat.jpg
panzerdragoonsaga.0catch.com … 2locat.jpg
panzerdragoonsaga.0catch.com … 3locat.jpg
panzerdragoonsaga.0catch.com … utated.jpg
panzerdragoonsaga.0catch.com … utated.jpg
panzerdragoonsaga.0catch.com … utated.jpg

He’s just taking the piss now. It makes me wonder why I bother spending hours creating original content for panzerdragoon.net; stealing content from other sites is obviously so much easier.

Perhaps e-mail his web-hoster, explaining the problem?

I eventually did - when he was still at his old site address. Now that he’s removed that site and uploaded it to a new location I’ll have to go about contacting his host all over again, explaining what he’s trying to pull in explicit detail all over again. I am utterly fed up of wasting my life trying to get this very simple message through to legaiaflame. I could have written a three-thousand word essay in the time I’ve wasted typing the same thing over and over again in posts here, in PMs and in emails to him and his host. Anyone else would have just taken the stolen content off their site immediately when asked, but here he is ten days down the line still with a ton of stolen images on his pages. What he’s doing is an insult to anyone who’d spend their time making original content for others to enjoy, but of course, he clearly couldn’t care less.

Copy and paste the old e-mail, perhaps?

As you may have guessed, I no longer have a copy of it; I made the mistaken assumption that this ridiculous situation had been resolved, but then I saw that he’d put all this stolen content back up on his new site anyway. Now I’ll need to go through TWotA digging up links to the original images to prove that he’s stolen what he’s stolen, but irritatingly enough I’m in the process of packing up to go away for several days, during which time I likely won’t have internet access. If any of this is still online by the time I get back, rest assured I’ll be contacting his web host immediately.

Dont worry Lance I’m removing the images so you can rest easy.

Finally an end to this argument? It’s a shame when people argue on a forum like this as it’s much better when communication opportunities are used for constructive purposes. I might be new here but I don’t think that stops me having an opinion about the community.

And calling legaiaflame a mofo is…? I think it’s good that he wanted to apologise, rather than just blatantly writing Lance off as someone who isn’t worth respect, as you seem to have done to him.

Fair enough, I see exactly why you are annoyed, Lance, but this has become a little too much like a flame war.

Everyone likes to think of what they have as the best. It’s called having pride in your work. I’m sure legaiaflame isn’t that big-headed.

To be fair, it’s going to take one heck of a lot of work to be as good as The Will of the Ancients!

I hope this is a resolution for all this as it will be better all round.

me letting off “steam”

He wanted to apologize yes, but he still keeps stolen pictures on his site? What was the point?

"It’s called having pride in your work."
As in, only your work.

Stealing other peoples work is one of my most hated things, especially when such time and effort is put into it like Lance’s.
No permission was asked, refusal to abide by the true owners requests, and much more. I could go on but I won’t, since I am a nice person.

Oi. Right. Enough. We’ve had enough bickering and flaming around this argument. If it goes on, you’re gonna have to take it outside. It does nothing for the community.