Edge says Sega may have an intresting year

I was reading the latest Edge magazine and they did this wonderful coverage of the recent Tokyo Game Show with this japanese corrospondent. Anyway when he got to sega he said they had a good booth with a good line up but nothing as good as the arcade side of things

anyway he said something that

? What does this mean to you? Has Sega got something big on the horizon? From what he said i think he means the following year to next years TGS we will see certain games from them. But could these games be the things that Segafans have been clamoring for?Will Sega please certain factions in their community at last who have been critical about these recent games?

Remember PHANTASY STAR UNIVERSE was reveled at E3 and SHENMUE ONLINE was revealed a month before the TGS so the games that have n’t been revealed yet are definatly not these.

I’m wondering what’s in store?

I’m wondering what makes that guy say that based on TGS.
Btw, haven’t welcomed you yet : benvindo Goonboy :slight_smile:

I don’t know about the rest of you, but I’m not going to wait for games that may never arrive anymore.

I’m guessing that he’s in the industry and the developers /contacts tell him stuff off the record but on the understanding that they can’t tell the consumers yet. He was very specific in his wording about if things goaccording to plan and the titles that has n’t been revealed yet.

I know a few titles that are in development that have n’t been revealed yet.
KOUMA,NOSFERU and recently Sega patented the name WONDERBOY again which suggests that they may be making a new version.

Others are just rumours like CHU CHU ROCKET 2, KNIGHT N KNIGHT(CLOCKWORK KNIGHT RPG) ,ETERNAL ARCADIA 2 (which Overworks back in 2001 said they were doing) a survival horror game based on HOUSE OF THE DEAD,ALIEN SYNDROME ONLINE and TRIGUN:PLANET BUSTER as well as the most wanted titles like SHENMUE 3, PANZER DRAGOON SAGA 2.

Whether these titles will pop up remains to be seen but from what they are doing like updating old series like SHINING FORCE and working with old freinds again like Treasure it looks like Sega are bringing in all it can to make sure they were as sucessful as they were during the Genesis/Saturn era.This includes old franchises. Maybe if they can get their traditional supporters to buy the games they know they want to see would give them healthy sales to start with before the casuals latch onto to it,giving them a try.

Oh yeah thanks for the welcome Gehn, The ALMIGHTY Destroyer!!!

Oh joy untold. Wonderboy 1 was evil, Wonderboy 2 was evil and Wonderboy 3 was a chore.

Chu Chu was mediocre in 1p mode, Clockwork Knight I don’t know, Skies 2 would own everything but is unlikely any time soon, Survival horror based on HoTD will most likely suck if RE: Survivor is anything to go by (albeit the other way around), and Alien Syndrome? A cookie for anyone who remembers that.

A Clockwork Knight RPG would be one of the strangest moves Sega has ever made; considering the high financial investment / risk factor involved in making a competative RPG, I can’t see why they’d want to make one based on an obscure (and fairly mediocre) pair of 2D platformers. (Stranger things have happened, though…)

And yeah, a HotD survival horror game doesn’t sound massively promising; currently the HotD franchise seems far too cheesy / cartoony to be tense or frightening… and given the similar theme, it’d probably be too close to Res Evil for comfort.

BTW I haven’t welcomed you yet either Goonboy, so welcome to the forums.

Yawn. Sega rumours aren’t worth listening to anymore. From what I’ve seen of Sega’s games to come, Sega will be having a poor year outside of Japan. And from what I haven’t seen, well, if you haven’t seen, it’s obviously not worth commenting on, if you catch my drift.

[quote=“Lance Way”]

A Clockwork Knight RPG would be one of the strangest moves Sega has ever made; considering the high financial investment / risk factor involved in making a competative RPG, I can’t see why they’d want to make one based on an obscure (and fairly mediocre) pair of 2D platformers. (Stranger things have happened, though…)

And yeah, a HotD survival horror game doesn’t sound massively promising; currently the HotD franchise seems far too cheesy / cartoony to be tense or frightening… and given the similar theme, it’d probably be too close to Res Evil for comfort.

BTW I haven’t welcomed you yet either Goonboy, so welcome to the forums.[/quote]

Thanks for the welcome Lance of the (dragoon)Way!

I’ll explain about some of the rumours.
Overworks in an interview with either Segadojo or Core magazine said that they were working on a sequel to E A. So i expect that game to surface soon. The KNIGHT N KNIGHT rumour came from Magic Box who also mentioned what games Sega were planning to relase or developing the games on that list was SHINING FORCE,SONIC,SEGA RALLY 3 HOTD,and a seven year license deal to make games based on OZUMA TEZUKA manga
which two of them have been produced so far. So i presume that this survival horror HOTD game is gonna happen.

Correction: About 4 years ago, when Skies first came out, the team that was called Overworks back then said they’d like to make a Skies 2.

Do you honestly think it’d take 5 years to make an RPG?

No idea where the other rumors came from.

A House of the Dead Survival/Horror game sounds like a great idea to me. Sega is certainly more than capable of making such a game…

The only unannounced game I’m positive we will see from Sega sooner or later is Sonic Heroes 2, and that’s only because the first game sold so well.

I also wonder if there’s any truth to the rumour that Shinobi 2 is currently in development.

[quote=“Abadd”]Correction: About 4 years ago, when Skies first came out, the team that was called Overworks back then said they’d like to make a Skies 2.

Do you honestly think it’d take 5 years to make an RPG?

No idea where the other rumors came from.[/quote]

Wrong: This inteview came after Sega ditched the DC in 2001 and several Sega developers were asked what system they would be working on and the games they were going to do. Overworks specifically said their WILL be a sequel to ETERNAL ARCADIA. Don’t presume that I’m talking about the same interview as you are. The website was either Daily Radar or Core magazine ,but now that I think of it it was probably Core.

Cool but not so cool without Joe. Where did that one pop from?

It was right after the launch of Skies of Arcadia. In fact, most likely one of the E3 interviews.

Like this one from IGN?

"Overworks Interview
Wondering about Skies of Arcadia 2? We got a chance to chat with Team Overworks and they have plans on bringing a certain shinobi back…

June 15, 2001 - During E3 2001, SEGA’s “Unleashed” event allowed several of SEGA’s big name development teams show off their newest products and discuss their upcoming plans in this new age for SEGA. Relatively quiet, however, was Team Overworks, the development studio who created Sakura Wars III and of course the phenomenal Skies of Arcadia. Although not boasting a huge line-up of titles at E3 2001, we now got the chance to speak to Noriyoshi Ohbi (sic) of Overworks and we learned some very exciting and interesting things:" (the rest is on Insider)

Too bad Daily Radar no longer exists, because I’m pretty sure it was around the same time.

Or perhaps the article on kikizo.com where Noriyoshi Ohba mentions “Skies 2 is in the planning stages”? Which was actually loosely translated from “we are currently considering Skies 2”… which effectively means “we’re not actively working on it, but we haven’t completely scrapped the idea.”

Just remember, a game company designs hundreds of games a year… but only a handful ever come out.

Fact: Skies 2 is not in development.

(oh, and Geoffrey, I don’t think there’s a Shinobi 2 in development right now…)

Naw the news was from the beginning of the year around january 2001.
But that does n’t mean that they not doing a sequel. I read a similar interview saying the same thing about SHINOBI and the game came out the following year. besides ETERNAL ARCADIA was ported to NGC and an aborted port to PS2. I think Sega has n’t abandoned a sequel to ETERNAWL ARCADIA yet. Those interviews that you quoted kinda indicates that they are.


No idea where the other rumors came from.[/quote]

Shemue took 5 ):P. Fable took 4

Galleon which is just a platfrom game took over 7 years to make. And who knows when the next Duke Nukem 3D will come out. That’s in development for years and years

Shenmue was also a grossly misplanned game that cost waaaaaay more money than it should have.

And never, ever use any of Peter Molineux’s games for comparison :wink: The man is insane!!! :smiley:

Duke Nukem is all but dead. And Galleon only took so long because it was in publisher limbo.

Also, all these games were pet projects done by industry icons who had enough clout to be able to pull something like that. The Skies team? Not so much. Sega’s not really in a position (anymore) to be able to fund a project for 5 years…

Have their actually been any games that have had more money thrown at them than Shenmue? I remember reading at the time that it was “the most expensive game ever”.

Was it voice acting? :anjou_happy:

[quote=“Abadd”]Shenmue was also a grossly misplanned game that cost waaaaaay more money than it should have.

And never, ever use any of Peter Molineux’s games for comparison :wink: The man is insane!!! :smiley:

Duke Nukem is all but dead. And Galleon only took so long because it was in publisher limbo.

Also, all these games were pet projects done by industry icons who had enough clout to be able to pull something like that. The Skies team? Not so much. Sega’s not really in a position (anymore) to be able to fund a project for 5 years…[/quote]

SEGA is now a cash ricj compnay thanks to Sammy.All thier debt is long gone.

Altered Beast on the PS2 has been in production for years. Just like Spikeout on the X-Box

[quote=“Solo Wing Dragon”]

Have their actually been any games that have had more money thrown at them than Shenmue? I remember reading at the time that it was “the most expensive game ever”.[/quote]

It still is.

The combined cost of the 2 Shenmues was 70 million dollars

Actually, Altered Beast and Spike Out have only been in development for about 2 years at the longest.

And Sega and Sammy are still two separate entities, so it’s not like they share a single bank account.