Edge minifig

I finally finished Edge this sunday.
He’s not so bad, but I don’t like the head too much :






And a last picture in order to get an idea of the size (same as Kyle and Lundi) :


Let me know your opinions !

Nice one :slight_smile: The detail really shows.

This is the best from the three.Great!!

Hehe, I like the cigarettes 2 :slight_smile:

Another nice work…Great job!!

Very nice! Keep it up :slight_smile:

[quote=“GehnTheBerserker”]This is the best from the three.Great!!

I totally agree! This edge figure is simply fantastic. Keep up the excellent work.

Do you have any plans for more figures?

I’m with you guyso n this one, the Edge figure ROCKS! Azel next? =D

Is still say Paet!!Pretty please?! :slight_smile:

Many thanks all !

Well, I’ve not decided yet who will be the next : Azel or Orta ?
For instant, I prefer making something else (not a PD character).
But just after that, I’lll make Azel.

And I added more pictures of Lundi in Lundi topics.

Looks neat. Well done.

[quote=“Zzoull”]Many thanks all !

Well, I’ve not decided yet who will be the next : Azel or Orta ?
For instant, I prefer making something else (not a PD character).
But just after that, I’lll make Azel.

And I added more pictures of Lundi in Lundi topics.[/quote]

Do Sky Rider dammit! Do Sky Rider! :stuck_out_tongue:

oh btw, this kicks ass…the edge fic that is…and the cigs :stuck_out_tongue:

Don’t do Sky Rider, Geoffrey will only point out any innacuracies =P


Wow! this was the best of them all… and why don’t you do Paet to make Gehn happy =)


Don’t act like kids : I say NO PAET !

For the moment…

j00 suck frenchy!!

Paet is TEH MAN!!!

I can’t help but laugh.