EA buys Bioware :(



Thankfully, Mass Effect is basically done and so the product can’t be rushed to market in traditional EA fashion, but I fear the worst for any future chapters for the game. Maybe EA will surprise me and leave Bioware alone, but I’m not holding my breath.

Well, this isn’t all that bad, considering the devlopers of the previous System Shock 2 will be able to help develop System Shock 3 now that they are onboard with EA again. Once System Shock 3 is complete, they can detach themselves again and create another no-name company like they did last time.

Wasn’t System Shock 2 developed by Irrational Games?? Or Looking Glass? I don’t think Bioware or Pandemic had anything to do with that game, I could be wrong though.

System Shock 2 was created by Looking Glass Studios and Irrational Games - both companies were then acquired and absorbed by Electronic Arts. After the acquisition, the developers of System Shock 2 disbanded and created Bioware.

So, yes, System Shock 3 could actually be good now.

So afraid of their lack of inspiration, EA just buy it as always.

But hey, the price of freedom is eternal vigilance!

Damn… I’m not at all happy about this news.

I wonder what will happen to the planned Mass Effect sequels.

I’m extremely agitated/pissed about this for entirely different reasons, but I can understand why EA would do it. I mean, if any other company had that sort of money, they’d probably do it, too (though I don’t know how they plan to make that sort of money back o_O).

I wonder if this means we’re going to see a series of Pandemic/Bioware Lord of the Rings games…

[quote=“Abadd”]I’m extremely agitated/pissed about this for entirely different reasons, but I can understand why EA would do it. I mean, if any other company had that sort of money, they’d probably do it, too (though I don’t know how they plan to make that sort of money back o_O).

I wonder if this means we’re going to see a series of Pandemic/Bioware Lord of the Rings games…[/quote]

It’s not really about making the money back: it’s mainly about eliminating the competition and monopolizing the market. But games haven’t been good for over a decade now, and I don’t see them getting any better soon; therefore, I stand by my stance of an industry crash (which is inevitable)

That only makes sense if you don’t know how business works - you can’t simply spend $860M to “eliminate competition.” If you drain your company’s funds, stocks drop, which in turn causes people to sell, which pulls more money out of the company, which in turn angers the majority shareholders, which causes a corporate fallout.

That being said, the backlash hasn’t been anything like that, so they have obviously got some sort of business plan in place (duh), but I can’t even begin to imagine what that is. Then again, EA is one of maybe 2 or 3 companies in the entire industry that can think and operate at that level, so I suppose that’s no surprise.

(And to paraphrase Penny Arcade, which is actually pretty similar to a conversation I had with a coworker yesterday after hearing the news - I thought Pandaware sold themselves to VG Holdings to become a developer big enough to be able to stand up to huge publishers like EA? What the hell happened?)


[quote=“Abadd”]I’m extremely agitated/pissed about this for entirely different reasons, but I can understand why EA would do it. I mean, if any other company had that sort of money, they’d probably do it, too (though I don’t know how they plan to make that sort of money back o_O).

I wonder if this means we’re going to see a series of Pandemic/Bioware Lord of the Rings games…[/quote]

It’s not really about making the money back: it’s mainly about eliminating the competition and monopolizing the market. But games haven’t been good for over a decade now, and I don’t see them getting any better soon; therefore, I stand by my stance of an industry crash (which is inevitable)[/quote]

Games haven’t been good but the industry makes 20 billion dollars a year…Please go back to playing N64 and STFU >.>…

Games haven’t been good but the industry makes 20 billion dollars a year…Please go back to playing N64 and STFU >.>…[/quote]

Just because games sell well, does NOT mean that they are good games. On the contrary, most of the games/movies/anime are nothing but eye candy with no substance. There is no deep thought to be found anywhere; but that’s no surprise, considering all of these media forms are being directed toward the braindead masses.

You see, the plan, by the powers that be, has always been to keep the masses distracted by entertainment, sex, and religion to keep them occupied so that they do not begin delving into matters that could ultimately free them. This has been the plan from day one, and obviously it’s been very successful. This is also the reason why there are no more thought-provoking games or movies etc because ‘they’ do not want you, the silly peasant who believes he/she is free, to think!


Games haven’t been good but the industry makes 20 billion dollars a year…Please go back to playing N64 and STFU >.>…[/quote]

Just because games sell well, does NOT mean that they are good games. On the contrary, most of the games/movies/anime are nothing but eye candy with no substance. There is no deep thought to be found anywhere; but that’s no surprise, considering all of these media forms are being directed toward the braindead masses.

You see, the plan, by the powers that be, has always been to keep the masses distracted by entertainment, sex, and religion to keep them occupied so that they do not begin delving into matters that could ultimately free them. This has been the plan from day one, and obviously it’s been very successful. This is also the reason why there are no more thought-provoking games or movies etc because ‘they’ do not want you, the silly peasant who believes he/she is free, to think![/quote]

Great a conspriacy nut that’s a gamer, bad combo in my opinion but w/e. Just because your perception of today’s games is a bad one doesn’t mean that’s actually the case. The fact is games are just that…games. they aren’t tools of the government or some other such non-sense. Last time I played Halo I had to think about tons of different things and that game is simply run and gun. What do you want video games to be life-changing events or something because the reality is that isn’t going to happen.

Why are you even giving those thoughts the time of day ? Its obviously just a wind up, either that or Kad doesn?t have a 360 to play the curerent wounderful next gen games on .

gamespot.com/news/show_blog_ … d=25996562

If this rumor does turn out to be true, I really hope that Bioware doesn’t abandon the interactive story-telling aspect of this series in an effort to try and contend with World of Warcraft.

A story driven MMORPG, on the other hand, could be rather interesting…

If it’s true, I doubt that Bioware would stop making offline content. I mean, that’s supposedly why they opened the Texas branch, right? They’ve still got their main offices.