e3 2008

To find your friend code, on the Wii System Menu, click the Wii Message Board Icon on the bottom right. Then click the Create Message icon, the second one on the bottom left. Finally, click the third icon to open up your Address Book. Your code will be displayed, and to add other people, you register them through this screen.

Since TA is posting pictures again, here’s some of my stuff.

My gaming setup
My office

On a more relevant note, Joystiq had an article on Friday regarding E3. I don’t know what to make of it really, since I wasn’t there and haven’t been to E3 in the past.

joystiq.com/2008/07/18/the-p … 3-is-dead/

Thanks for the instructions. Nice setup & Mac.

As for E3, I thought a decent amount of stuff was showing, like the first commenters on that article point out. Sure it was smaller than usual, especially for each console separatelly (MANY pc game trailers have surfaced) but not every year can be as big, depending on the timing. Not to mention E3 was done smaller on purpose apparently, though the people who decided that are also complaining again. But really, if they want to put in the effort, it’s up to them to make the next E3 as big as it ever was.

I mean, announcing a game show dead like this, is more or less the same as announcing the whole of gaming dead. Which would be silly, no? If they want to stop the show, or not allow it to grow back to what it was, that is all up to the companies involved, not because of some unfortunate lack of games in general or something like that…

The games are here as always, the industry keeps growing, and a show to represent it would be nice, one year that wasn’t as exciting as the rest doesn’t mean much if they wish to do better next time…

I’m just waiting for Leipzig and TGS now really, I don’t care if they want to continue or ditch E3 altogether depending on their perceived interests that have nothing to do with the gamers’ needs. Good shows are nice, but not that necessary to me.

Sony says they have something lined up for TGS, so I hope Team ICO is saving their big game for that event. The more, the merrier. My PS3 isn’t going anywhere, especially with Valkyria Chronicles in November. The E3 trailer off the PSN store had me as excited as ever. It’s one thing to see it on your computer screen, but it’s another to see it on a big ol’ HDTV.

I didn’t mean too, I though ‘his friend code’ was meant for me that’s all .

Anyway here’s my current set up , taken with a crappy web cam


And yes I agree with parn you have to see Valkyria running on your TV screen, even onthe high def videos on the web, you can’t Appreciate the shading programme and just how beautiful the game really is , The game is amazing

farm3.static.flickr.com/2235/222 … 9264_b.jpg

farm3.static.flickr.com/2334/222 … 23e5_b.jpg

Back on topic , I thought the Art inthe new Prince of Persia was in part very Panzer Dragoon Zwei like

I dislike the art in that game. It actually is very nice but it has a cartoony outline on the characters which does NOT fit the rest of the style. All of it is a bit cartoony (as in, not realistic gritty) but not so cartoony as to require the outline. Their FMV videos don’t have a cartoon outline either, and they’re beautiful, so why did they feel the need to add it to the game? I wish they’d release a screenshot without the outline and everyone would see the result is much better and ask to keep it that way…

I felt like that , but if you can check out the new trailer in high def, it doesn’t look sso out of place and the whole game looks stunning .

Though I can’t but help the that the Art is used to hide a game that we’ve all played before

The new Prince of Persia will supposedly be more in tune with the “old school” Prince of Persia. Less group fights and more “one on one” duels. The Prince will also get a clawed metal glove that will play a role in the platforming. The game will have something to do with a living corruption that will take various forms throughout the story.