Dreams Dreams with grown up Claris and Elliot

In the original NiGHTS game one of the versions of the song Dreams Dreams was sung by the voice actors for Claris and Elliot.

Well, recently the pair, now grown up, got back together and released a duet of the same song for NiGHTS’ 15th birthday. You can download it for free here: nightsintodreams.com/?p=1662

Brings back some memories of the good old days of the Saturn.

I listened to that some time ago. I still consider NiGHTS to be the best game I’ve ever played, so this sure brings back memories. It’s quite amazing that they managed to get them to record that. I’m impressed by the NiGHTS community and how they manage to actually get Sega’s attention, especially for a franchise that only had two games which didn’t meet expectations sales-wise.

The question is, how do they do it? We should borrow their strategy. :anjou_happy:

Claris and Elliot had voiced lines?

Well, they made sounds when they fell over, anyway.

We should. This year is Panzer Dragoon Orta’s 10th anniversary. Next years is Panzer Dragoon Saga’s 15th anniversary. Creating a site like this is not difficult. I’ve talked about this before, but maybe it’s time for me to actually get started on a website like this…

What would it have?

You can do some pretty cool things with JavaScript and HTML5 transforms these days.

EDIT: This is more out of curiosity than anything, what to expect for content from a site like this. Pay no attention to the latest cloying tech buzzwords du jour.

They said things in Christmas Nights. I think?


[quote=“nekomekozo”]What would it have?

You can do some pretty cool things with JavaScript and HTML5 transforms these days.

EDIT: This is more out of curiosity than anything, what to expect for content from a site like this. Pay no attention to the latest cloying tech buzzwords du jour.[/quote]

I’d just start with a petition-like website, basically this: http://www.petitiononline.com/petitions/PDS2/signatures.

But then as a dedicated website with its own domain name. I’d keep it simply so I can add more features later on. There’s indeed a lot that can be done using things like jQuery and CSS 3.0. Although in an early stage there wouldn’t be much need for jQuery, I’d certainly look into using CSS 3.0 and HTML 5.0 as long as the website degrade gracefully in older browsers.