Dreamcast Emulator

The first one to be made! And some great results too!


Some requirements :

  • Windows XP or 2003 (doesn’t work in W9x, ME or W2K)
  • Ati or nVidia graphics card (updated with the last drivers)
  • DirectX 9.0b
  • Intel P3/P4 or AMD XP (or higher)

To download, on the link above clock “chankast” then "download"
Ok, now how to use it? Well, you need the DC BIOS, wich you can rip from your consol (i have no idea how) or just download here:

elitedreamcast.gratishost.com/De … _flash.rar

Ok, and how to play games? Well you need an image. I am not sure if you can make your own due to the fact that Dreamcast games are CD roms. So i guess the only way is to download the games. I’m not sure if i can tel you where to download them incase it is against Solo’s hosting companies policy… So i wanna confirm first.

Once you get the image, mount it onto a virtual drive. Download a program such as Alcohol 120% or Daemon tools to do this.

I have not got it working yet but i have herd of people playing games at 60fps! Here is a list of compatibal games -


I’m starting to think wether this emu will play better than the giri giri saturn one!

A little more detail on how to get it to work:

  1. Place the bios and flash files inside the chankast_alpha folder.
  2. Run chankast_alpha.exe
  3. Click Options -> Configure drive, select the drive you have the CD/Image in and click OK
  4. Click Options -> Configure Controls.
    To set a control:
    a) Click on a key to the right so it turns green, then press ENTER.
    b) Click on a function to the left under “available actions”.
    That key is set with that function now. Continue till you have all the desired actions mapped, then click OK.
  5. Click Options -> Init.
    The game should start now if the image/CD are correct (self bootable). If you are certain they are correct and Chankast returns to the DC bios instead of running the game then maybe it’s incompatible with it as of now.

Follow the same steps for the other folders named “chankast_alpha_capcom_hack” and “chankast_alpha_new_gfx” if you wish to.
I’m not certain what is different with these versions, I assume the first one is maybe more optimized for capcom games. Don’t quote me on that.
I hope this helps you to get it working Scott (And anyone else interested in trying it out)

I tried this yesterday, really amazing for a first alpha, I can’t wait till they start adding to the compatiblity and to the features (Couldn’t really continue SOA for example cos of no save option and random crashes)
I read they are supposdelly going to add GD-ROM support to nulify the need for backup copies of games but I have no idea how they think to do that since as far as I had heard till now GD-ROM support would require different hardware rather than regular CD/DVD drives… Also, the next version is very near and it will possibly have added compatiblity for Shenmue (Don’t expect it anywhere near flawless still I guess, it’s too early)I won’t be able to try it though as I only have it on original Discs and not on back ups :frowning:
Anyway, on to the games:

Headhunter runs near flawless (Full fps on the first two levels, only one minor texture glitch in the 2nd level till the point I died)
Daytona has a lot of graphical glitches but runs fairly OK.
Metropolis Street Racer is near flawless and runs good too from what I’ve seen (Just saw the intro and the rolling demo, I can’t start a game without a save function)
Skies of Arcadia has some texture errrors but looks mostly GREAT and runs at a good speed.
I couldn’t get other games to work.
All this on a crappy GF4 Ti4200 but on a good 3Ghz CPU, however I hear the emulator is very dependant on the graphics card as well, I imagine ppl with better cards get fullspeed in most games.

Again, AMAZING for a first alpha release, great days ahead for DC emulation.
Oh, and, it’s the first released Dreamcast emulator to run commercial games, not the first to be developed.

It would probably be best not to post links to them on a public forum, although if people are interested they can always PM you.

I haven’t had the chance to download the emulator yet, but it’s great that there is a working DC emulator now, even if it isn’t fully compatiable with every game. It is only a matter of time before a consoles dies, so it can only be a good thing that there are people out there working on preserving such an excellent library of games.

“Windows 2003?”

(no need to reply about it again, say something about the emu too :D)

By the way games will run on the language the Dreamcast bios is set at so if it’s not at your language of preference simply do the Options -> init command without a game put in and it will take you to the bios. From there go to the language menu and select the preffered one. The menus are messed up and don’t display properly but you should be able to select the language atleast. English is the second option from top to bottom in the language menu.
Enjoy >_>

Cool, thanks for the add on Al3xand3r :slight_smile:
and yeah, the capcom one improves capcom games, someone was running marvel vs capcom at 6 fps, and use the capcome version and it shot up to 60fps! Well, i’m off to rip some games now :slight_smile:

Just wanted to add to my above post, apparently the bios menus appear correctly on the new_gfx version of the emu so use that to change bios settings easier :slight_smile: