
So as I understand it from what I have read the Dragon in Panzer Dragoon, Panzer Dragoon Zewi, and Panzer Dragoon Orta. Is the same dragon “Lagi”

Now is Lagi the same dragon in Panzer Dragoon Saga??? And if so how!? and if it isnt, then what dragon is it? and how many dragons are there!? I know in PDS you go into a room with like 5 or 6 “prototype” dragons but how many where made and active!?..

[quote=“This is my BOOMSTICK”]So as I understand it from what I have read the Dragon in Panzer Dragoon, Panzer Dragoon Zewi, and Panzer Dragoon Orta. Is the same dragon “Lagi”

Now is Lagi the same dragon in Panzer Dragoon Saga!?!? And if so how!? and if it isnt, then what dragon is it? and how many dragons are there!? I know in PDS you go into a room with like 5 or 6 “prototype” dragons but how many where made and active!?..[/quote]

Yes, that is Lagi from Panzer Dragoon Saga, except he’s no longer part of Sestren; this forces Lagi to live a mortal life in the gap between Saga and Orta.

As for the active dragons. . . (5)

Lagi, Dark Dragon, Water Dragon, Guardian Dragon, and Atolm.

I’m pretty sure there are others.

The dragon in Panzer Dragoon Saga and the dragon in Panzer Dragoon Orta are definitely the same dragon, but whether or not they’re Lagi (from Panzer Dragoon Zwei) is unfortunately more debatable; the games aren’t entirely 100% clear on the issue, so people have come to different conclusions about whether or not there was meant to be more than one dragon in the series. I wrote up one of the possible explanations (the “different dragons” explanation) a while ago, which you can find here on the site:

panzerdragoon.net/theories/d … ory_01.php

Though I apologise for it being long and slightly too argumentative. Actually, recently I was working on another page for the site (for the Mysteries section) that’ll give a much briefer / more balanced overview of the whole “are they the same dragon / aren’t they the same dragon” question. When I’ve got the text finished I could maybe post it here for some feedback, as it’ll probably be a while before it goes up on the site itself…

I believe Chris was working on something similar (but just about why he thinks the dragons were all the same) since it was always his intention to have two opposing theories on this matter for readers to digest. Cough.

I’ll get around to finishing that soon, honest. :anjou_embarassed:

I think Lance’s article should work out quite well in relation to both theories though, as a balanced observation that isn’t just arguing for one side.

I see, I read the once before but I was tired as crap. Makes much more sence reading it wide awake!!!

So, let me get this stright. We can assume the dragon from Panzer Dragoon and Panzer Dragoon saga are the same. At least there “spirit” is the same. Also, that the Lagi from Panzer Dragoon Zewi is later “reborn” in PDS. And further into PDS the Two Dragons combine to make the dragon in Panzer Dragoon Orta!? So the dragon in PDO is in a sence Lagi, and the blue dragon!?

But I still have a few questions!

The ancients made the dragons as they where engineered Monsters. But then why did the hersey program go into a Coolia pup and transform it into a dragon instead of just using one of the dragons we see say in PDS hanging from the ceiling. Can we assume those dragons are not finished yet!? Or that the program needed a fresh body/mind to do its work?

Also, does the dragon in Panzer Dragoon or Panzer Dragoon Saga ever have an offical name. As I was looking thru the instruction book of PDS I noticed they have the dragon named “Unger” in some of the screens of the menu shots and what not…

And one last question, Is there ever any infromation in game about the dragon crests and why they where made!? I mean, I guess its safe to assume they where made to “save” dying dragons…But yeah, I dunno…

You have to remember that Sestren saw the Heresy Program as an impurity, and thus would have sought to eliminate every last vestige of the aberration in the Will Of The Ancients. If the Program had possessed an actual dragon, it would have done no more than leapt out of the frying pan and into the fire, by surrounding itself with thousands of pure-type enemies who’d stop at nothing to destroy it.

The Heresy Program possessed Lagi in order to hide. It needed to get as far away from the vengeful Sestren and its pure-type legions as possible, and the best way to do that seemed to be to go to ground in a beast of burden in an obscure rural village a thousand miles from anywhere, far from the pure-types that sought to hunt him down.

Unfortunately, the Heresy Program only managed to delay the retribution of Sestren, it didn’t thwart it - when Shelcoof bombed the village at the beginning of Zwei it was seeking to destroy the youngling dragon.