Dragon Crests

Simple question: Does anyone have reasonably high-resolution images of ALL of the dragon crest / tribal art / prophetic type stuff?

I seem to recall there was one such image of Lagi facing off against the Golia …

There is a reasoning behind this.
I am contemplating trying to get one of the dragon crests tattooed on my back. >_>
I figure if I can’t do that, well, I have several backup plans… including Azel in her little rock-plate… or a picture of the Golia (that’ll require some actual art on my part though). Have I mentioned that the Golia is one of my favourite creatures in the series? I probably made it pretty obvious right now.

Did you check the Art of Panzer Dragoon section already? It’s most of lagi_webmaster’s old page, so most of what there is to be found, would be there.


Here’s a screenshot of the crest from the start of PDS.

[quote=“The Ancient”]Did you check the Art of Panzer Dragoon section already? It’s most of lagi_webmaster’s old page, so most of what there is to be found, would be there.


I wasn’t aware said art site had been merged with this site. I’d wondered where it had gone to. :slight_smile:

Shame it isn’t the easiest to navigate, but it is quite old by now.

Although The Art of Panzer Dragoon is now hosted by The Will of the Ancients, a full merger hasn’t taken place; it’s still an independent site. That’s not to say a full merger won’t happen in the future though. If it happens, that would be the time to address any navigation issues.