Different Dragons

Ok Gehn, this is your cue to share your insights with us. :slight_smile:

I read a bit of Lanceā€™s ā€œdifferent dragonsā€ theory and it made me think yet agehn about something we have discussed beforeā€¦

1-From what I understand in Lanceā€™s eyes the forms (spiritualā€¦) of the Solo Wing in Saga are not suposed to represent the exact same ā€œdragon stateā€ of the similar dragons in Zwei and PD1.

I dunno about you guys but when I saw the Solo Wing forms in Saga I immediately associated them to their ā€œtwinsā€ in the other PD games.

Meaning that I always saw the spiritual form of the Solo Wing in Saga as a dragon that was suposed to be equal to the Dark Dragon in PD1.

Lance points out they are graphically different from game to game but to me it always seemed to be pure graphical adaption (since Saga is a more modern game than Zwei and PD1).

*the Dark dragon is just an example.This goes for all the other froms of course.Winriderā€¦


2-Once and for all : can we call the dragon in PD1 Solowing?Isnā€™t Solo Wing a evolutionary state like Stripe Wing?

The Dark dragon is also Solo Wing is it not?And the Winrider, and Brigadewing and Skydart.

Your thoughtsā€¦

Sorry guys for the double post but me net connection is acting funnyā€¦ ā€¦Iā€™m not laughing thoā€¦ :expressionless:

It can be argued that the armoured blue dragon and the Dark Dragon seen in Panzer Dragoon were Dragon Solo Wings (or Solo Wing dragons), since that type of dragon can morph into both of them. It all depends on how you look at it.

The Sky Rider and his dragon, and the drone rider Dark Dragon duo were the equal and opposite of one another. To me, they almost seem like equivalents, save their purpose.

Itā€™s possible that both the dark dragon and the blue dragon in Panzer Dragoon were both simply different dragons of the same typeā€¦ a dragon form that was designed in the Ancient Age. I have another theory that the dark dragon may have been Sestrenā€™s replacement for the blue dragon (after it ā€˜rebelledā€™, or whateverā€¦), and if so then both dragons were full Solo Wingā€™s (i.e. they could both fully morph but never did in the game).

However, itā€™s also possible that neither dragon could change into the same amount of forms that the Solo Wing couldā€¦ the DNA from the baby dragon (in Shelcoof) could have been required for that.

Itā€™s hard to be entirely sure either way.

[quote=ā€œGehnTheBerserkerā€]1-From what I understand in Lanceā€™s eyes the forms (spiritualā€¦) of the Solo Wing in Saga are not suposed to represent the exact same ā€œdragon stateā€ of the similar dragons in Zwei and PD1.

Lance points out they are graphically different from game to game but to me it always seemed to be pure graphical adaption (since Saga is a more modern game than Zwei and PD1). [/quote]

I remember bringing that up in the past, but I donā€™t think I mentioned it in the different dragons article (or did I)? Currently, at least, I donā€™t think that the graphical difference between the forms from game to game is meant to mean anything. The Windrider, Skydart, Brigadewing etc. in Panzer Dragoon Saga probably just looked different because they were modelled at a different time, and possibly by different artists.

On the other hand, the abilities of those dragon forms donā€™t really match up from game to game. The Windrider form in PDZ doesnā€™t have more powerful lasers than the other dragon forms, whereas the Windrider form in PDS does. Likewise, the Dark Dragon in PD1 uses loads of funky attacks (energy beams and things) that the Spiritual Class Solo Wing canā€™t use in PDS. To be honest I donā€™t think weā€™re meant to be that pedantic, though. :slight_smile:

Panzer Dragoon Ortaā€™s Encyclopedia does call the PD1 dragon a Solo Wing, so I expect weā€™re OK to do the same:

< Blue Dragon >
A blue dragon, wrapped in a beautiful
white shell. Also called "Solowing,"
it has a distinctive long horn,
reminiscent of the ramming horns of
ancient battleships.

My personal explanation for all this is that the PD1 dragon and Lagiā€™s final form in PDZ really were Solo Wings, but they were stuck in their ā€œnormalā€ forms, because they didnā€™t have the ability to morph like the PDS dragon. The same could go for the Dark Dragon, and the Windrider, Brigadewing and Skydart forms from PDZ.

Saying that, I expect the real answer is that Team Andromeda just wanted to squeeze some old dragon forms into PDS, as a bonus for fans of the previous games. So the Windrider, Brigadewing, Skydart and Dark Dragon ended up being related to the ultimate dragon form - the Blue Dragon / Solo Wing - because that was the easiest way to include them all.

My personal explanation for all this is that the PD1 dragon and Lagiā€™s final form in PDZ really were Solo Wings, but they were stuck in their ā€œnormalā€ forms, because they didnā€™t have the ability to morph like the PDS dragon.

Yes that seems sound.But personally even tho I know TA just wanted to throw the old forms in I still hope in their mind they would always have an answer for someone like me who would question them about this deal.