Deus Ex: Invisible War

I just downloaded the Demo for this game and i was really impressed. I’d heard good things about the first game but i never played. Its coming out on the 2nd of december for the PC and Xbox (i’ll probably wait to read the reviews and maybe get the xbox version). This game (well the demo) reminds me a lot of fallout in terms of how it played. Collecting items, fighting, looting, talking to NPC’s etc. The first person perspective is pretty cool too. Anyone here planning on picking this up? And can anyone give me some thoughts on the first game (if you’ve played it).

The information I’ve heard about DX: Invisible War has really captured my interest. I tried to play the demo, but my computer isn’t exactly “top of the line”. Still, I do plan on picking it up (along with Crimson Skies, which looks like an excellent reason to extend my Xbox Live subscription) when it comes out.

Aitrus, if you’re in the UK you can pick up a copy of Deus Ex for ?4.99!!!

'Tis real cheap and well worth it.

The storyline is very deep and involving and you’ll be hooked from moment you start. It’s been a couple of years since I last played it but you won’t be disappointed, although the last level could have been a lot better.

I will definitely be getting the sequel.

Btw, what are the minimum specs for the demo and where did you download it?

[quote=“RYB”]Aitrus, if you’re in the UK you can pick up a copy of Deus Ex for ?4.99!!!

'Tis real cheap and well worth it.

The storyline is very deep and involving and you’ll be hooked from moment you start. It’s been a couple of years since I last played it but you won’t be disappointed, although the last level could have been a lot better.

I will definitely be getting the sequel.

Btw, what are the minimum specs for the demo and where did you download it?[/quote]

I have no idea what the minimum specs are for the demo. Just do a search for Deus Ex: Invisible War demo or something on If you can find out what the name of the Demos .exe file is just search for that and you will most likely find it.

It ran fine on my computer but here are my specs:

Pentium 4 1.9Ghz
512MB DDR (333) RAM
Geforce 4 TI4600 (128mb).

I think the demo was in the neighborhood of 200+ Megabytes so unless you have a broadband connection you can probably forget about downloading it.

The original was one of my top 3 games of all time.

I really liked the original so ill definately be picking up this game.

I saw a little about it, it looked good from what I saw…never played it though or heard of it up until recentaly. Meh, only time will tell.

I played the demo today and I wasnt very impressed. Deus Ex 1 is actually a more advanced game in many ways.

In DX2 they have removed body section dependant damage(e.g. head shot = toe shot) and as a player your legs cant get shot out like in DX1. This has quite a big impact on stealth play as sneaking up behind someone and shooting them in the back of the head is just the same as shooting them in the foot from around a corner.

There is no targeting recticle that gives more accurate shots when standing still than when moving(the rectangle where the shot could go that got bigger when you moved and smaller when you stopped). What this means is you are as accurate when you are sprinting around as when you sneakily shoot from a hiding place.

The skill system has also been removed! ARRGGHHH - this was one of my favorite parts of DX. Hacking has also been toned down

The game is at present quite hard to use, it is a fairly complicated process to switch items although they say they will patch this.

There is no longer different types of ammo, all weapons use the same ammo, i havent decided if this is good or bad yet but it means you cant keep a weapon in reserve, if you run out you are stuck with knife.

However there are quite a few good points, graphics look good(although not as good as preview pics) and the physics system is a lot of fun(I like chucking people into walls and watching them collapse over barrels!). However shooting a corpse in the foot with a pistol makes it completely flip over so there are a few balencing issues.

DX2 is fun to play however it has been dumbed down from DX and features have been removed however, at the end of the day, it is the story that will make or break this game. I wait and hope…

Read a fucking book!

That seems like a bit of a harsh reply Brandt, I was just giving my opinion on the game. I enjoyed the story of the first game and thats why i think that DX2s story will be a decider on whether long term fans will like it. Id been reading the Ion Storm message boards before that post and it seems a lot of long term fans are annoyed with the demo. Infact there is a gamespot news story on reactions to the demo: … 84783.html

Your reply wasnt a helpful one infact it seems to me more of a flame. Maybe you should go write a book instead of writing such crappy posts hmm?

Well it’s true all those features are missing vyper but those features are not the core of the DX gameplay. The real point of a dx game is the freedom you have in how to tackle the various situations you are in and the level of interactivity with it and even in the demo there are a few different ways of approaching each goal you need to accomplish. (for example one of the ways to finish the main quest of the demo doesn’t require you to shoot any human) Also this time the game is very simple to play and doesn’t require hours of training to get the basics :slight_smile:
It’s a good game in my opinion, the only thing that bothers me is the performance.
With that kind of gfx it’s simply UNACCEPTABLE to need a monster pc to run good.
I have 3ghz pentium 4, 512 mb ddr 400 and a ge force 4 ti4200(I know, not anywhere near great) and I can’t run it at acceptable fps even at the lowest resolution and all graphix options turned down.
Also a friend with an athlon 2500xp and a radeon 9700 pro couldnt run it totally smooth at all times with the above options. That’s simply bad coding imho, they propably didn’t give as much time to the PC version as they said they would…Funny thing is the original game had pretty crappy performance as well (it doesn’t even run well on hardware years newer than the game)
However, I was ready to give up on the game when I saw how bad the demo performed and the only thing that made me see it’s a good game was that my phone got disconnected so I couldnt get online and instead I played the demo to check it out some more…And the levels included werent all that impressive, I bet the game is going to CRAWL when reaching some of the more complex levels as seen in some screenshots…oh the horror…
Here’s a place to download it from (Along with a list of game requirements and other info)

They said they will patch it so I hope they will fix the speed/compatability issues. Presumably the framerate is pretty constant on the Xbox? Im not sure because i havent seen that version but if they manage to get good performance on the Xbox they should manage it on PC too.

Yeah especially with all those low res textures and low poly things which are only there due to them not wanting to do extra things for the PC so they kept all that to X-Box standards…
Heck it’s the damn UT2k3 engine and UT2k3 runs atleast three times as good for me since I also use high graphix options and higher resolution and get a smooth framerate apart from HUGE maps like tokara forest (and even in that it’s acceptable and very playable)
Sure they added physics and the new neat lighting for Deus Ex 2 but the rest things (textures, level/character polycount) are actually lower quality than UT2k3…go figure…