Dark Dragoon sculpture

Well, I’m pretty proud of my work :

perso.wanadoo.fr/manga.world/ima … dark09.jpg

perso.wanadoo.fr/manga.world/ima … dark07.jpg

perso.wanadoo.fr/manga.world/ima … dark06.jpg

perso.wanadoo.fr/manga.world/ima … dark02.jpg

Of course, it has been made at the Solo Wing scale :

perso.wanadoo.fr/manga.world/ima … blue01.jpg

Hope you will enjoy this fan-art !

I bow to you Zzoull!!!Darky’s great!!Superb!!!

How much do you want for it?!

You must have quite a collection of finely crafted models now, Zzoull.

Brilliant… just brilliant!

That’s brilliant!

Looks awesome as always Zhoul :slight_smile: u keep getting better too!

excellent :slight_smile:

wow…if you keep working on this people could pay millinons just to touch it one day. =D

That looks awesome! Excellent work Zzoull!

I’d buy it.

He probaly wouldnt want to sell such a thing like that you know…

What about his trade secrets? ^.~


Hey I said I’d buy it first!!!

Well i didnt know…

a word of advice for the newbies…

…never get in between Gehn and his dark dragon.

Heed Neil’s wise words!

Oh and WD : you are so young and naive :slight_smile:
That’s why you are a cool guy.

Very cool.

Very nice! I would love to have the Dark Dragon and the Solo Wing doing battle on my computer desk!

Keep up the great work!

That is great! Really great work!

Have you ever thought of making an airship, like the end boss from Pd1? That would be something to behold.