CPK Player Trouble


I’m having trouble with the CPK player because when you press open and try to open a cpk of the panzer dragoon saga cd there are no file there. The one i spacificaly want is the intro to the game before the title screen.



[size=150]Sorry, i apologise as this is slightly off topic. I thought i was in the liberal district.[/size]

The files are hidden on the disk. Change your folder settings to reveal hidden files.

Btw, your avatar is too big. The limit is 100*100.

If I remember correctly, the .CPK viewer on the main site is a bit incomplete in some way (it seemed to only play a file half the way through). Check RPGFan.com for a .CPK player that overcomes this problem (it’s in the “Utilities” section).

Actually, if all you want is that one video, you can find it here:


Just scroll down to Panzer Dragoon Saga.

I replaced that with the RPGFan version earlier, so it should work okay. But I’d still recommend converting the files to .avi as they’ll work in most media players then.

And it’s really easy to do!




I would convert them but, i dont like messing around on dos! lol

[quote=“Geoffrey Duke”]The files are hidden on the disk. Change your folder settings to reveal hidden files.

Btw, your avatar is too big. The limit is 100*100.[/quote]

I can’t find anything smaller that i wan’t so i’ll just have to have no avatar!

[quote=“Geoffrey Duke”]The files are hidden on the disk. Change your folder settings to reveal hidden files.

Btw, your avatar is too big. The limit is 100*100.[/quote]

I can’t find anything smaller that i want so i’ll just have to have no avatar!


You can always resize the picture…
And I hope that emudek or whatever that site is called is hosting your image rather than you having direct linked it without letting anyone know…
That’s called leeching and it’s a bad bad thing :slight_smile: bandwidth is precious.

Find a free host like geocities and put the image up by yourself, ppl have offered directions and even offered to host avatars in various threads in the off topic forums… check them out

Heh heh, think Google’ll get mad at me for leeching a search page?

mischievous grin

I think when u do that u are still leeching from the original page, I see the url of it on the url of the pic…I dunno really…

There we go. All fixed!

Honestly, what did people do before Angelfire?

Thanks blue foot, iv’e got the video i require now!