Couple of quick questions

The “Panzer Dragoon Maps” topic made me remember a couple of things:

  1. In the background of this official Panzer Dragoon Orta wallpaper you can just make out what looks like a map for the game. As I don’t own any of the PDO guidebooks, I was wondering if this map appears in one of them (like the older maps)? Or if it appears (in full) anywhere in the known universe?

  2. Some time ago I remember coming across a map that showed the locations of all the Towers in the PD world. I’m not sure if it was official, though, but I think (?) it came up on the old Excavation Camp forums at some point. Does anyone have a copy of this map, or know where I can find it? (And does anyone know if it was official or not?)

If memory serves me well, the Tower map displayed the locations of over a dozen different Towers scattered across the continent… in the form of black dots.

WHAT?!!I never heard of this Tower map before!!!Where is this?!!!

You’re not missing out on much; it’s just a map of the continent with black dots scattered across it.

I too would like to know if there are the Altered Genos map can be found in full, somewhere else.

I think I have it on a CD back in my room. I’ll try and remember to bring it in tommorrow and upload it. Atolm sent it to me, I think she scanned it from one of the Azel guidebooks.

[quote=“Geoffrey Duke”]

You’re not missing out on much; it’s just a map of the continent with black dots scattered across it.[/quote]

Can you make sense of the different areas in the continent’Knowing where a certain Tower is located is a big deal to me.

I thought I posted it but I can’t find it on my site (I could be wrong…)- maybe it is someplace else.

… it was kinda lame little map filled with dots, though…

Yeah, I do remember that the Tower map was pretty unexiting. The reason I’m curious is that for these annotated maps I’m working on for TWOTA, I’m trying to include as much detail as possible. If I had that Towers map, I would be able to locate those Towers on any of the other four maps, which would be nice. So if anyone does have a copy of the thing, it would be very much appreciated.

The fact that the Tower of Uru is a large red dot makes me think that it is possibly of some special importance.

I don’t think Shelcoof and PD1 Tower are shown on there because they were already destroyed/disabled by that time.

Great, thanks Solo. Strange as it seems, that’s an extra seven Towers to add to the PD1 / Zwei map. They must have been surprisingly well concealed…

I suspect that the Tower of Uru is highlighted in red because it’s the Tower you can find in PDS (It is a PDS guidebook, after all), but who knows? It could easily have been a more important Tower than most, or had some other special significance.

[quote=“Geoffrey Duke”]

You’re not missing out on much; it’s just a map of the continent with black dots scattered across it.[/quote]

Okay, good. I don’t have to look at it then…

Kewl.Many thanx Solo :slight_smile:

Hey another alke Tower :smiley:

13 Towers total. Interesting.

I would love to see the Towers activated again - they’re what make the Panzer Dragoon universe so interesting, in my opinion. Hopefully in the next Panzer Dragoon RPG we will see the true reasons why the Towers were built in the first place.

Plus more towers = more dragons :wink: