Compiled Artist Interviews + (known) Artist Credit listing

I did these a while back but never posted them- they aren’t quite done yet (formatting, etc) but I thought they would be better shared in their current state than not at all.

Compiled interviews w/ dev team on artwork:

Artist Credits:

throws Lagi a cookie

Nice khourieat :anjou_happy:

Thanks Lagi.

Let’s be grateful that Smilebit didn’t choose to make Panzer Dragoon Orta cel shaded!

Lagi - this means that you’ve actually updated your site? :anjou_happy: (I noticed there’s a new style going on on the main page, too.) Great stuff; I hadn’t seen some of those interviews before.

Although I’d be curious to see what it’d look like, yeah, I’m pretty sure it wouldn’t be appropriate for the PD world.

Lagi - this means that you’ve actually updated your site?<<

Not really yet- my old front page just bothered me so I updated it but not much new content- a lot of people outside the community still go to it and I hated it looking so mid 90s…

Still haven’t done my fabled relaunch of stuff …

Nice; the neutrality of grey suits PD well.

I hadn’t actually noticed the updated front page somehow (I must have misread Lance’s post). It looks much nicer. I’m a big fan of darker layouts too as they’re easier on the eyes. Good job.

Whoa! Lagi updated and I totally missed it! Spiffy!

I’m a big fan of darker layouts too as they’re easier on the eyes. <<

I really liked the treatment you gave your site …